Published Oct 1, 2008
17 Posts
i just took my nclex pn exam yesterday and i had 193 questions and the time ran out on me!!! i just wanted find out does that mean i failed or is there a penalty for that. i just need to know something please help me
1,714 Posts
"If the examination ends because time runs out, it means that
the candidate has not demonstrated with 95% certainty that
they are clearly above or below the passing standard, nor has
the candidate answered the maximum number of items.
Because the primary mission of boards of nursing is to protect
the public, it can be argued that candidates should not pass
when they have not demonstrated that they are competent.
However, the response patterns for some of these people have
indicated that there are candidates that appeared to have a
“true ability” that is above passing and who have been
performing consistently above the passing standard. A
mechanism is provided for these candidates to pass. The key
word here is “consistently.” If a candidate’s performance has
been consistently above the passing standard, then he or she
will pass, despite having run out of time."
-From the Candidate Bulletin at
Sounds like you still have a shot! Hopefully you took all the time because you were carefully considering every answer, and you met whatever standard they need. Good luck!!!
414 Posts
good luck
:banghead:I am so stressed right now I can't stand the wait, I am in florida and my friend told me to look on the BON of FL to see if I passed is that true or do I just wait the 48 hrs.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
You can check on the Florida website without waiting 48 hours, they usually post within 24 hours. Good luck
67 Posts
I read a post on this forum that if you run out of time the comp scores you based on the last 60 quest.
yes that is true
I check there website just now and there is nothing there. thanks
I passed my Nclex-PN today I found out just now I am so happy :loveya:
akanini, MSN, RN
1,525 Posts
That's great news. You are now officially a PN. Best of luck in your nursing career!