Published Feb 8, 2018
rn1965, ADN
514 Posts
Hi everyone, just a small venting session!
I have now been waiting 192 days to hear from the AZ BON about the re-issuance of my RN license.
It seems foolish to be hoping for the contract, the pee tests, the meetings, etc...but, I really want to get back into nursing and in order to do that, I have to start the dang thing!
I read the forum and I hear the frustration and I worry about what my life will look like once the monitoring starts, but, I just want to get it started.
I hope that I can remain as strong as all of you, once it does start. Believe me when I say I will likely be here more, looking for support!
According to their website (their written & published rules/guidelines) they only have 270 days to tell me yes or no. That is still 78 days away.
I was foolish enough to think I would hear sooner.
Enough of my pity party! Thank you to everyone here! I hope your day goes well!
SpankedInPittsburgh, DNP, RN
1,847 Posts
You are doing what you gotta do!!! Good Luck
161 Posts
I would keep bugging them...."Any updates yet?" the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The reason it takes so long is they likely havent even dealt with it yet. I had to wait over a week for a job approval from my monitor. Here i thought it was the Liason that was not doing there job.. then come to find out my monitor never turned in the info because he was on PTO... like ALWAYS!! We dont matter.. so any thoughts that they might expedite it if they have all the correct info is just an empty wish! I Bug my monitor until he gets so irritated he tells me I WILL CONTACT YOU WITH AN ANSWER... guess what.. if i dont hear back in a few days.. i email again! its their job! Look at the hell they expect us to go through.. the whole purpose is to rehabilitate our license, yet they dont seem to give a crap if we get a job or not. Its all a huge power trip!! Our lives are in their hands... drunk with power!
Still is exactly right!!! It's not yet 9AM and I have two calls and an email to my case manager. It is their job just as jumping through all the BS hoops is ours
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
Not foolish. Hopeful. Hang in there!
Bugging them worked. I just got OK'd to return to the ER. My empty bank account is joyous in anticipation!!!
catsmeow1972, BSN, RN
1,313 Posts
When will you be setting your hated desk on fire and roasting marshmallows over it?
Cats, I've heard of worse ideas!!!
I am sooo happy for you! I am going to start bugging them with phone calls. The one time I did call, it took over a weeks for the investigator to even call me back, then would hardly answer one question, without saying, "when it's time, you will get a call for an interview". What?!?! How is that helpful?
This is driving me nuts and I have not even started!
Thank you for all your words of support!
362 Posts
I am going to start bugging them with phone calls. The one time I did call, it took over a weeks for the investigator to even call me back, then would hardly answer one question, without saying, "when it's time, you will get a call for an interview". What?!?! How is that helpful?This is driving me nuts and I have not even started!Thank you for all your words of support!
So this here is your problem (mine too, and most people I'd bet). You call, and waited a week for a call back. What if you call, and you don't get a call back, so you call again the next day? "I haven't heard back so I just wanted to check to see if there are any updates?" And then they will say that you don't need to call and check because they will call you when they have info to share.....but you call AGAIN the next day!! Say the exact same thing "I haven't heard back so I just wanted to check...". Doesn't matter how many times they tell you not to call them, they'll call you....just keep calling. Omg this cracks me up just thinking about it :). You'll probably get voicemail a lot, that's ok, just leave the same message, every day. At least you'll have some fun and amuse yourself during the waiting!
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,204 Posts
Deep breath - Do you feel better now. If you have PM ability you can PM me any time for support.
Spanked, I'm so happy for you! What a relief, huh?! Does that mean you just got your narc key, or have you always had it? ( meaning you don't have to petition during you "golden time" (once a year) to get stops dropped and then call and beg daily??)
Mine gets quite irritated with me and will put in every date that something has happened in an email (I.e. I got your request 1/1, I spoke with bob 1/2, bob left a vim 1/4 I returned bobs email 1/5, bob gave me the info 1/8, I was on PTO 1/9-2/8 but I will give the info to the liaison as soon as I see her. I will call you with an answer of yes or no.
Me: 2/9 hi, it's me, I sure hope ya had s great vacay (while I sat here unemployed and broke and checking my email every 3 minutes) but... didja hear anything yet? :)
Him: 5 minutes later, I will go talk to her right now
Me: 3 minutes later.. soooooooo....????
Him: ma'am... you drive me nuts... your license is free and clear.. good luck!
Okay, that last part is just in my dreams.. but the rest is pretty accurate.
For our self evaluations we have to send in quarterly.. and I never know what to write... I just want to fill the whole page with... so, I went to piggly wiggly for their sale on garbanzo beans but they were all out, my coupon clearly stated I was allowed 1 per purchase, that's false advertising!! And had I not had to stop to put air in my tire then Bob wouldn't have stopped me to tell me all about his ugly new siding.. it's pale orange with dark orange trim.. I wanted to say BOB, the 70's are calling and want their house back, know what I mean?!! But By the time I got to the pig, I saw Susie grab the last van and boy, she just wouldn't budge.. I even tried to trade her my brats.. but she just wouldn't budge. So I called the store manager and had a direct conversation About getting my gazpacho beans.. but I remained calm because it wasn't like I was dealing with Pooh in the hood and he's all out of boy and is trying to give me a rain check.. because I wouldn't have taken one.. Pooh never let me cash in those rain checks Anyway. So the manager gave me 10% off my Miller lite (for my Daughter, of course.. she won't get vodka til she is 21) and I was quite satisfied with our negotiation. I felt good ol' HP's influence i. Keeping me calm and sober. So in short, I'm doing great in my recovery.
I really want to.. lol them maybe they will just stop reading them And give me early graduation (giggle giggle)