Published Jul 25, 2005
57 Posts
hello..ive posted this question on the other sites but nobody seemed to bother..ive applied online for a job and it has been a week now but i dont get any call yet.when is the right time to follow up?thanks
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
I would f/u asap at this point, just to make sure they rec'd the application. Some places take weeks to call back. I know my hospital takes a long time. Besides calling shows interest and keeps them from just shoving your application under the carpet. Good Luck Julie
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I agree. You should follow up soon it will show you are interested and the person might wright your name down to look for your resume. Best wishes to you. :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
3 business days to a week is acceptable, unless they've given you a timeline. Give them a followup call to let them know you're still interested and the status of the application.
zacarias, ASN, RN
1,338 Posts
Agree with above posters.
I applied for a job online a month ago and I never heard from them for a whole week. I then applied for a similar but different position again online and they called right away. Apparently, the first time I applied it didn't go through. What I'm saying is that it could be a computer glitch, one of the negative things about all these online job applications.
20,964 Posts
make sure you follow up.
and follow up again.
paperwork does get lost or shuffled. believe me. you have to take it upon yourself to follow up to make sure it ends up in the right hands or else you are lost.
Tweety's suggestion of 3 days or more is good. I usually give them 5 business days, or a week.
722 Posts
I have worked in 2 different large hospital HR departments. Each HR department is different in how they work things. At the HR I currently work at, it takes approximately 2.5-3 weeks just to hear something back from HR for most positions. This is the general timeline:
1-2 work days - Input application into computer and give to recruiter
2-4 work days - recruiter reviews application and routes some to the manager. Others are given back to clerical staff to send reject letters to (approx 4 work days to send letter and have letter reach applicant)
5-7 work days - manager receives and reviews application. They reply to the recruiter with what they would like done with the application.
2-3 work days - recruiter contacts the people the manager would like to interview by phone to set up an interview date. Others are given back to clerical staff to send reject letters to (approx 4 work days to send letter and have letter reach applicant)
Be aware that the higher up the type of position is, the longer it will take. It will spend more time with the recruiter and more time with the manager, and you may have to do a second interview.
Our HR tries to send a letter to each applicant stating that we received their application, but a lot of HR departments don't have the computer systems to be able to do that.
Definitely don't call daily, and don't be demanding when you do. I have been helping out at the receptionists desk while we have been recruiting for a new one. We have some people who call daily, and some people who do more than that. We had one person recently call every 45 minutes 4 days straight. Needless to say that did her more harm than good. Another person called me on 3 different lines (our 1800 number, our local number and somehow they knew the number to call the receptionists' personal line) within 45 minutes, asking her status each time. When someone calls that much the recruiter gets suspicious. Unless the applicant has been waiting over a month with no word back from us, they will not get through to the recruiter.
Good luck with your application! Its grueling applying. Having a husband going through the frustrating process, it hits home when you are anxious to hear something and the HR departments seem to take forever.
19 Posts
I would call fter 48 hours and than if you do not hear anything back 5 days after that I would mail or fax them a Thank you letter. Thanking them for looking over your application and maybe even send a copy of your resume with this letter. Other than that keep calling!!!!