Published Jul 24, 2010
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
i am stumped .. i got a new job , i quit my other job i had for 5 years and is transferring to another job.. i get this phone call from the manager of the new job telling me to come over and get the paper work done for the transfer.. i did it that day , then i get my 2 step ppd done .. asked to come in this tuesday for my health screen and MMR shot and do the math test and some other paper work .. handed it all in the next day .. that day i'm told i will be able to shadow some nurses until orientation i called the manager and she never returns my calls or tells me when i am to shadow these people .. so it will be 2 weeks until orientation and no money coming in . i could of worked at my old job for 2 more weeks but i am out of luck... no return calls from the manager , no calls after i handed in the paperwork required.. no information no calls to fill me in on whats going on.. ugh... sooo upset.. i called today and no return call.. am i being to overanxious? i did all they require and wonder if this is normal for this building? what do i say so i don't loose my job i'm told i have but not working?? arrrggghhhhhh !!!!thank you for letting me vent.... i'm trying to be proactive and call them and follow up but they are not following up with me !!! i gave up a job that i had for 5 years to be treated like this !!!!?? arrrggggghhhhhh !!
65 Posts
I hear your frustration and am sorry that you're going through this. Unfortunately, even when we behave in a professional manner it does not mean that those we interact with will behave professionally. I hope you hear something positive from your new manager soon.
yeah me too !! thanks trixie... lol... good grief this is worse than water boarding !!!
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
If you do not hear anything soon, may I suggest going to the unit in person? Sometimes they just get busy, or maybe she had an emergency, and that is why there has been no contact.
55 Posts
SAME thing happened to me, but it was BEFORE all the paperwork! I was told IN the interview I had the job and HR would be contacting me soon. 5 days later I called HR and was told the hiring mgr had not submitted an offer. Waited 3 more days and still nothing. 5 more days and HR called to let me know the position had to be approved by upper mgmt and they would do it in 3 days. 3 days later I called---3 more days. All this while I had put in 3 calls to the new mgr with no return call. FINALLY after WEEKS of waiting I got the offer and then was told to wait for employee health to call and schedule my screens, etc. ANOTHER week and a half later....! I was a bit nervous until the day I started orientation, needless to say, since this was the only job I had applied for and was watching other good jobs go away while I waited.
It's hard to not be anxious. It was a combination of things in my case, not the least of which was my mgr is a one legged man in an a** kickin' contest. I don't think it'd hurt to continue to try reaching the new mgr or trying to visit her/him at a time when you think things wouldn't be too busy. It'll show them you're definitely interested and ready to go. Try not to give yourself and ulcer...the process SUCKS!!
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
Although I totally sympathize with you, you should NOt have given up your old job until you had it in writing from your new job about your start date.
There are some places that only orient once a month, or they may need to arrange with appropriate staff from a preceptor, etc.
I am sorry this happened to you.
Best wishes.
Although I totally sympathize with you, you should NOt have given up your old job until you had it in writing from your new job about your start date. There are some places that only orient once a month, or they may need to arrange with appropriate staff from a preceptor, etc.I am sorry this happened to you. Best wishes.
hats the funny thing .. the manager of my new job called my manager of the job i was transferring from and asked me to transfer asap .. HR worked it all out with the other HR and my start date was the 19th of july even my benefits were transferred to the new hospital .. everything even my raise was transferred... and somehow my transfer went poof and now i'm waiting for this new job to start ... i could of worked at my old job 2 more weeks than transferred .. i have been a nurse 25 years and i have never had this happen .. it's sooo weird... i've done all i was suppose to do .. my new hospital let me down ... it really frosts my cupcakes... thank you for your support.. good grief this is weird.. believe me it was all in writing.. by several people.. the managers , HR ... lol.... jokes on me.... is it april 1st ??
SAME thing happened to me, but it was BEFORE all the paperwork! I was told IN the interview I had the job and HR would be contacting me soon. 5 days later I called HR and was told the hiring mgr had not submitted an offer. Waited 3 more days and still nothing. 5 more days and HR called to let me know the position had to be approved by upper mgmt and they would do it in 3 days. 3 days later I called---3 more days. All this while I had put in 3 calls to the new mgr with no return call. FINALLY after WEEKS of waiting I got the offer and then was told to wait for employee health to call and schedule my screens, etc. ANOTHER week and a half later....! I was a bit nervous until the day I started orientation, needless to say, since this was the only job I had applied for and was watching other good jobs go away while I waited. It's hard to not be anxious. It was a combination of things in my case, not the least of which was my mgr is a one legged man in an a** kickin' contest. I don't think it'd hurt to continue to try reaching the new mgr or trying to visit her/him at a time when you think things wouldn't be too busy. It'll show them you're definitely interested and ready to go. Try not to give yourself and ulcer...the process SUCKS!!
amen !! for crying out loud !!! lol... i didn't want a vacay... i'm using my PTO now.. lol... so much for taking Thanksgiving off.... sigh
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
shoot meowzer, I go right on in there and hunt down both HR and NM! You know how it things go... nothing gets done right unless you do it yourself that's the truth.
60 Posts
If I were you, I would contact your old job and see if they would take you back and forget about this new job.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
You are new and NOT in a position of power.
Sorry to must accept and deal....