Just got results...


Hi all. I just wanted to let everyone know that I PASSED!!!! YEAH!! I looked on the license website and there was one issued in my name...I am officially an RN!!! Good luck to everyone who hasn't found out yet! YEAH!

:nurse: Erika831, RN!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics Only.

Well well well...CONGRATS Miss RN!

Kudos to you :) Its a wonderful feeling, isnt it?

It's a GREAT feeling! Thank you so much for the kudos! I know how those others are feeling having to wait, I've been sick at my stomach all day! I know everyone did fine! I passed the test with 100 questions and didn't feel like I knew any of them! I'm going out to celebrate!!


Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good time tonight! you deserve it!!!

Congratulations Nurse Erika!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Congratulations!!! :)

Congrats Rn!!!!!!!!


Congratualations to you.....Praise god for your passing. Have a blessed day and enjoy yourself.....




How did you study?

great work! congratulations RN!

Specializes in Critical care.

congrads:balloons: :)

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