Published Aug 15, 2008
33 Posts
i just got home from taking my nclexpn. i feel awful! sick, ballllh.... it may as well have been written in martian! i felt like i didn't understand what they wanted from me! i had a 93% chance according to ati of passing the first time, but that was taken in may of '07! i've been reviewing & studying all along, but was it all for not??
i feel like i got too many wrong. shut me off somewehere around 112! i don't even know what number i was on! how observant am i???? last number i remember was 109. last one was about a vasectomy. i just looked it up & from what i can tell, i did get it right! i feel like alot of drugs we looked at, but didn't discuss were on there. and some of it wasn't even what we did talk about. i feel frustrated. guess i wasn't ready. i won't know till next week. and then i left my att there. aaack! i forgot it in the locker. what a day!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Hang in there, Good luck
447 Posts
i just got home from taking my nclexpn. i feel awful! sick, ballllh.... it may as well have been written in martian! i felt like i didn't understand what they wanted from me! i had a 93% chance according to ati of passing the first time, but that was taken in may of '07! i've been reviewing & studying all along, but was it all for not?? i feel like i got too many wrong. shut me off somewehere around 112! i don't even know what number i was on! how observant am i???? last number i remember was 109. last one was about a vasectomy. i just looked it up & from what i can tell, i did get it right! i feel like alot of drugs we looked at, but didn't discuss were on there. and some of it wasn't even what we did talk about. i feel frustrated. guess i wasn't ready. i won't know till next week. and then i left my att there. aaack! i forgot it in the locker. what a day!
oh honey( please dont mind) let me give you a huge ((hug))). it's over, try to relax. watch a good movie, do anything except stress about nclex. you will know soon enough and can take it from there. (((hug))) please try to take it eaassy. :flwrhrts:
thanx butterfly! i need hugs! (we just moved to nc and all our family is in ny, tx and va.) so nobody to hug but my kids &
i am still going to keep moving forward with my plans for rn. i just can't actually enter my distance learning program w/out my license. soooo, if i did fail, i'll be doing suzanne's plan and getting right back on that horse! i wonder if i'd have had a different review book if i woulda done differently?? i had the incredibly easy one which i was told was a good one. there weren't any of the saunders ones when i went to the book stores.
:hngon: i'll just keep hangin in there till i get results! i know on pearsonvue it says results ready to
i'm gonna try to relax and chill for a few days. it'll be rough though!