Just in case you need that extra little "boost" to get you through your shift...


The perfect gift for any hard-working RN...

"Personalized Nurses Liquor Flasks" :bugeyes: :cheers: *wine


I guess I know what to ask Santa:santa: for this Christmas.... :lol2:


Wow -- what a great idea!! That will work sooo much better than the plain glass pint bottle I've been using to carry my booze at work -- and you can custom select your accent color to match your scrubs, stethoscope, whatever! Where has this been all my life????? :lol2:


I have to get one in purple to match my stethscope. My husband has a hooters one. Can I deducte on my taxes. I need all the help I can get

Specializes in cardiac, ortho, med surg, oncology.
Specializes in LTC.

Oh WOW, let me order this quickly before the full moon when I really need my flask!:yeah:

Oh that is freaking hysterical. I think I need one that has Student Nurse on it, no doubt it will help me stand out.:yeah:

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.

Okay, before anyone else gets a chance to do it, let me be the buzzkill that is sure to happen in this thread...


You guys, that is not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Nursing is a serous job and implying that nurse's have to DRINK ALCHOLOL just to get through their SHIFT is unprofeshional!!!!!1!!!1 You DO KNOW don't you that nurse's already get a bad rap for steeling narcotick's we don't need you people joking about nurse's being DRUNK two!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :mad::down::mad::down::mad::down:


(use of poor spelling and punctuation, including overuse of punctuation, used solely for effect).


and just in case it isn't crystal clear, allow me to add ;)

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

I have the burnished silver inscribed with...

"Mothers are all slightly insane." J. D. Salinger

Okay, before anyone else gets a chance to do it, let me be the buzzkill that is sure to happen in this thread...


You guys, that is not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Nursing is a serous job and implying that nurse's have to DRINK ALCHOLOL just to get through their SHIFT is unprofeshional!!!!!1!!!1 You DO KNOW don't you that nurse's already get a bad rap for steeling narcotick's we don't need you people joking about nurse's being DRUNK two!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :mad::down::mad::down::mad::down:


(use of poor spelling and punctuation, including overuse of punctuation, used solely for effect).


and just in case it isn't crystal clear, allow me to add ;)


Okay, before anyone else gets a chance to do it, let me be the buzzkill that is sure to happen in this thread...


You guys, that is not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Nursing is a serous job and implying that nurse's have to DRINK ALCHOLOL just to get through their SHIFT is unprofeshional!!!!!1!!!1 You DO KNOW don't you that nurse's already get a bad rap for steeling narcotick's we don't need you people joking about nurse's being DRUNK two!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :mad::down::mad::down::mad::down:


(use of poor spelling and punctuation, including overuse of punctuation, used solely for effect).


and just in case it isn't crystal clear, allow me to add ;)

I think we can make a drinking game out of how many self-righteous posts we see in threads that are supposed to be humorous. Every time we see one of those, drink!

Specializes in L&D; GI; Fam Med; Home H; Case mgmt.

Oh, I am IN. ::*prepares tequila bangers*:::

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

I pulled this post up at work last night and just about bust a gut laughing. Somehow... I don't know... but I think this might not fly in my detox unit. :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:

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