Published Jan 31, 2011
5 Posts
My names Haley and I'm very interested in nursing! I've looked at a few colleges and considered becoming a registered nurse but there's so many options in this field and I'm not quite sure exactly what I want to do yet. I know I don't have to know exactly what I want to study because I'm just about halfway done with my junior year but I'd like to at least somewhat figure out what area I want to study in so I can start deciding which college I will be attending. I love helping people and I've taken every healthcare class possible at my school and I've participated in an unpaid internship at my high school's nurses office. I have considered becoming an ER nurse as well, but I don't think I know enough about the field of nursing to make a good enough decision on what I want to do when I'm older. Any comments are appreciated.
88 Posts
Hi Haley!
Good for you for checking out your options so early on! Being a junior in high school, I'd imagine you are 16 or older. I believe you can take a class to be a nursing assistant and then take a test to be certified. This is a great idea for many reasons- most nursing schools require you to be a CNA as a pre-requisite for their program, it gives you good experience, and gives you an idea of what nursing is like. A lot of nursing students work as CNA's while they are going to school and it looks good to future employers to see that you have had some healthcare experience. Another idea is to contact some local hospitals and see if they would let you do job shadowing for a few shifts. (including the ER, since you mentioned that interested you). Good luck with whatever you decide to do! Hope this helps some!
290 Posts
Why notr ask if you can shadow some nurses at your local hospital? You will do all types of nursing as a student in your clinical experience. So you don't have to decide now. Good luck!
1,246 Posts
Study, study, study! You must have really good grades - A's, mostly - to get into a decent school. Take science courses when you can. If your high school offers AP classes, take some. If there is a high school/college connection, even better!
Go for your BSN, it's the best route. There is plenty of scholarship opportunity, and other types of financial aid. Plan to tour colleges THIS SPRING break if you can, because you will be applying in the fall.
Best wishes!!
I've looked into CNA schools and it seems kind of what I want to do but I'm just not too sure yet, but thank you!
I live in a really small town with only one hospital and I have already e-mailed the volunteer services and I have to call in the beginning of April to set up an interview to volunteer at the hospital. They only have it during the summer for high school students because they have college students during the school year. Thanks!
46 Posts
Wow, it sounds like you are a very driven person! I'm sure you'll make a great nurse. :) My recommendation would be to see if you can find a program where you can shadow nurses in the hospital. I did this when I was in high school, and it really helped me to see what a nurse in an acute care setting (like a hospital) actually did. Plus, maybe you can shadow different nurses in different departments and get an idea from that what kind of nursing you like.
But even if you can't do that, I wouldn't worry too much about choosing a specialty now. You are going to be exposed to many different areas of nursing when in nursing school, no matter what school you go to.
BTW, volunteering won't actually give you too much exposure to a nurse's daily routine - you'd probably sit at the front desk, or deliver newspapers, or things like that. Shadowing a nurse will help you see the nursing side of things. Just my two cents, as I've done both myself. :)
Thank you! I've also looked into physical therapy school but I don't know if I want to do that yet. Nursing seems more interesting. But I'm not sure. But I'm sure I'll figure it out in time!
137 Posts
Most schools do NOT require you to become a CNA first...although I HIGHLY recommend it. You will get your feet wet and get a teeeeeny taste of what nursing is like.
However, you may want to do your research. Nursing isn't the field it's chalked up to be and I'm tired of everyone giving false hopes to all the "hopefuls". I know people who put in 5 years of their lives to earn their Bachelors of Science in Nursing...a year later...most haven't even landed their first job.
Definitely look into the CNA gig first. Give that an honest 1-2 years.
24 Posts
Hi Haley! My names Julie and I am currently in a Health program at my school, I am also a junior! I had no idea what I wanted to do and all of a sudden it hit me I wanted to be a Neonatal nurse, I am also considering being a Labor and delivery nurse as well. My plan is to go to college get basic nursing training becoming an RN then branch out to either a Level 3 NICU or Labor and delivery. Good Luck!
59 Posts
I think its great being so young you have an idea of what you want to do with the rest of your life. Congrats on being such a driven person. I didn't realize i wanted to be a nurse until after i attended a four year university for psychology. I would definitely tell you to try to do some volunteer work and go the CNA route. I had no idea what was nursing entailed until i started nursing school and went to clinicals and fundamentals classes. I was lucky enough to love it, but it was a surprise to learn all of the various aspects of nursing.
Nursing school was very hard, many people struggle, and you have to put it first, before everything. I had no social or family life for those years and my school pretty much owned me. So be prepared for that, and make sure when you start school you are committed, because nursing school will stretch you to your limits.
I wouldn't worry too much about a specialty just yet. It's nice to have an idea, but in school you will be able to first hand experience different departments and if you do a preceptor ship in the last semester of school you can even choose where you want to spend some more time. Also, with the economy where it is right now (I know it will be years before you enter the workforce) but most nurses don't get to choose a specialty to work in right away, new grads are lucky to grab any job they can straight out of school. So you may be working to gain experience before trying to get into a certain department.
I wish you all the best, and as someone mentioned before, study hard!! Go for that BSN!!
267 Posts
As a junior in high school, here is what you should do to prepare for nursing school:
Take the hardest classes you can handle, get the best grades you can get.
Take as much math & science as possible.
Take the SAT's, most universities require them for entry.
Get the application for whichever state university in your state has a BSN program. There is no need to spend more money going to a private college, your state or city university system will do just fine.
Get a FAFSA form for your parents to fill out, submit it to see what you qualify for in financial aid.
Most importantly, stay out of trouble. That means no drugs, no alcohol (until you're 21), nothing at all that will end you in hot water either with your school or the law. If you're at a party and people start using drugs or underage drinking, LEAVE ASAP (you don't want to be rounded up with the rest of them when the police come!)