Johns Hopkins BSN/MSN Fall 2010 Anyone?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all - maybe I am jumping the gun, but has anyone else begun working on their applications for Summer/Fall 2010 admission?

I plan on applying for direct entry to JHU, UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. With the exception of UCSF's 9/1 deadline, the rest seem to be due between 11/1 and 12/1. Although UCSF has the closest deadline, I am stressing the most about the essays for JHU. Anyone started them yet?

Also, does anyone plan on attending the open house that JHU is having in September? I would love to go, but I am in California, so I have to decide if it is worth the $$$. I am thinking I might be better off saving the money to fly out for the interview (positive thinking here).

Anyway, I would love to compare notes with anyone applying, or anyone who applied last year.

Thanks and good luck! :D

I also had my (phone) interview recently, and I actually enjoyed it. The admissions officer was extremely knowledgeable, well spoken and professional, but totally nice. I also found it to be conversational, but I got a string of questions that were exhausting to answer, at least in the order they were presented. I found myself having to think on my feet more times than not. I did a fair good job of anticipating questions and organizing my responses initially, but i probably came off too cerebral at times, fumbled some responses, made irrelevant analogies and barely recovered in the end. I believe I demonstrated my conviction and comfort with becoming a nurse, but could have better articulated a nurses role and responsibilities, and better shown my problem solving skills.

So i would encourage rehearsing some responses to preorganize your thoughts. Demonstrate your passion for nursing, speaking confidently and be able to:

-tell them about yourself (harder than it sounds)

-concisely define a nurses role as part of the treatment team

-articulate hypothetical responses to possible patient situations

-show knowledge on at least one issue of concern facing our healthcare system and nursing in particular

-specific life experiences that shape you as a person and influenced your decision to become a nurse

-to provide self assessments of your writing ability, public speaking skills, exam taking skills, ability to work in groups

-highlight strengths and communicate what you will offer if accepted to the program and what specifically attracts you to the program.

Just don't be longwinded [like i was =)], and be sure to listen. They do listen to what you say careful and will spark questions in response,

Rockkstarr~ where r u? Did u do the interview by phone or in person? I'm on my iPhone right now so I can't look back to see, but which Masters program are you shooting for? I am definitely getting excited and thinking of all the possibilities of what our school days will be like... Getting excited about the clinical hands on stuff! I'm having dreams about it! My brain is definitely centered on this notion of where we are headed and I find it thrilling, albeit nerve racking. Lol! I wish we could all get together and spill about what led us to this point! I loved learning about all my friends in A&P, Micro and Devel. Psych. Everyone's taking different paths and plans to do different things (from nursing to PA to physical therapy). It's fascinating!

longbow. shelly---- first let me start out by giving thanks to you and your husband!! thank you soo much for your service and all that you have not doubtingly sacrificed for the rest of us . i have a profound respect for those who make that commitment. thank you for your info for the financial aid advice. i have been looking at the merit based scholarships, minority based scholarships, and things like americorps (work for us and we will help pay your loans off.) i think that most of mine will be student loans also. it's a big commitment, but with a great pay off!!

i think you handled yourself very well, from what you explained, with your materials that were to be turned in. i received an email that stated that i had one letter of recommendation outstanding a while back. i called the person i had given it to and he said that he had mailed it. he called the admissions office and asked if he could fax another one in and then mail the hard copy and they said he could. i honestly didn't think that they would do that but they did. i called them a little later to see if i was still missing a lor and asked them if they would notify me of when they received it they said that there was no way they could do that due to the large volume of applications they had. but, they did send an email stating that my application was complete the next day.

i was not sent an email to schedule my interview until after i got the email that my application was complete. so if they are still going through the mail and are just opening yours or still have yet to open it then it might be a couple of days. but as i understand it, they will send you an email when you entire application is complete. they said they couldn't have people (like me) calling and asking if their application is complete. i am sure that you will be contacted for an interview soon. there is still a lot of time left until they notify their decisions. just think of if as more time to prepare for the interview. will you be doing an in person interview or a phone interview?

blessing and good luck!!!

I initially found that percentage in an article of the Hopkins Insider.

But I must say, now that I read it again I am thinking that that is for the undergrad at JHU and not at the nursing school.

Thanks for the link; it definately read as if he were speaking about JHU collectively.

I've gotten over the nervousness, and even the excitement, of waiting, Now I'm just kinda bored, waiting to execute the next stage of planning.

So i would encourage rehearsing some responses to preorganize your thoughts. Demonstrate your passion for nursing, speaking confidently and be able to:

-tell them about yourself (harder than it sounds)

-concisely define a nurses role as part of the treatment team

-articulate hypothetical responses to possible patient situations

-show knowledge on at least one issue of concern facing our healthcare system and nursing in particular

-specific life experiences that shape you as a person and influenced your decision to become a nurse

-to provide self assessments of your writing ability, public speaking skills, exam taking skills, ability to work in groups

-highlight strengths and communicate what you will offer if accepted to the program and what specifically attracts you to the program.

Just don't be longwinded [like i was =)], and be sure to listen. They do listen to what you say careful and will spark questions in response,

Poet, I think this is perfect advice. The only thing I would add is to try to relax and be yourself rather than trying to anticipate what you think they want to hear.

I tend to ramble when I'm nervous, and I certainly did during my interview! Still, I think overall it was successful. At least I hope it was!

Rockkstarr~ where r u? Did u do the interview by phone or in person? I'm on my iPhone right now so I can't look back to see, but which Masters program are you shooting for? I am definitely getting excited and thinking of all the possibilities of what our school days will be like... Getting excited about the clinical hands on stuff! I'm having dreams about it! My brain is definitely centered on this notion of where we are headed and I find it thrilling, albeit nerve racking. Lol! I wish we could all get together and spill about what led us to this point! I loved learning about all my friends in A&P, Micro and Devel. Psych. Everyone's taking different paths and plans to do different things (from nursing to PA to physical therapy). It's fascinating!

I'm in New Jersey, almost 3 hours from Baltimore. I actually chose to do the interview by phone... I'm working quite a bit right now, volunteering and taking 4 classes, so I didn't feel I had the time to make the trip to Baltimore. They seemed totally okay with that. If I were a bit closer, I would have definitely gone to Baltimore, but going down and back in a day with 2 Microbio projects and a looming A&P test over my head was too much!

I'm going for the MSN/MPH with a Family Nurse Practitioner focus. I'm hoping to work in primary care in the future.

What about you? Where are you? Which degree?

Hey, if you want to email me, feel free. it's felrockk at gmail dot com :)

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Hey all,

I just send in my application for the ABSN program last week and wondering where I go to find out the if they received the materials. Did you receive a letter, an email..???

I heard if you didn't apply for ED then we won't find out anything until March for a decision.


I am not sure about the procedure for the regular decision but I applied ED and I got an email that told me what materials I had missing (1 letter of recommendation). Once they got that LOR they sent me an email saying that my application was complete. I had tried to call earlier, before I received the application complete email, and see if they received the LOR but they said they could not tell me and that I would receive an email when my application was complete. Which I did!! I am assuming that you will receive an application complete email, but you can call them and ask if you will receive an email. It's worth a try. Heaven knows how many times I called and asked questions. Good luck!!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.


I actually ended up calling after I posted and they said if I don't receive an email in about two weeks that I should call. She said that it will take them about that long to document all the applications they received.

I am so glad to see this string of emails - It's good to know I'm not alone. I also got my application in for ABSN/MSN/MPH (regular decision) a week or so before the deadline. I emailed to find out if my application is complete and was told that I would get an email. Nothing yet. Also no word about an interview - hoping for that soon. I have to say this is one of the most frustrating aspects about the application process and one I did not expect - not only do you have to get your application in, but then you have to worry about whether everything was received, whether anything was lost, etc. And JHU is definitely better than some of the other programs in responding to you, letting you know what to expect, etc. (Anyone else applying to Penn? Their online process has been a nightmare - the website still says I didn't submit things that I know they received.)

Oh, well. Hoping it's all worth it in the end! Good luck everyone!!!

I got an email this morning saying that they received my application and they'd contact me again within 2 weeks to let me know if anything's missing from my file.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

How long ago did you send in your application?

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