Johns Hopkins BSN/MSN Fall 2010 Anyone?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all - maybe I am jumping the gun, but has anyone else begun working on their applications for Summer/Fall 2010 admission?

I plan on applying for direct entry to JHU, UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. With the exception of UCSF's 9/1 deadline, the rest seem to be due between 11/1 and 12/1. Although UCSF has the closest deadline, I am stressing the most about the essays for JHU. Anyone started them yet?

Also, does anyone plan on attending the open house that JHU is having in September? I would love to go, but I am in California, so I have to decide if it is worth the $$$. I am thinking I might be better off saving the money to fly out for the interview (positive thinking here).

Anyway, I would love to compare notes with anyone applying, or anyone who applied last year.

Thanks and good luck! :D

Wow- 40-50%! Do you know what the odds are for those of us who are applying under regular admission?

rockkstar- PoetWhittier is an oxymoron to an extent; it references Whittier College whose mascot is a poet. This was my first choice college for undegrad; got accepted, but couldn't bridge the gap financially, so went to a state school alternatively. That left me depressed for some time, and I just started using that pseudonym for websites to cheer myself up, i guess, and kinda liked it, so just stuck with it.:wink2:

Jesie- where originally did you learn that 40-50% of ED get accepted? It's not disputable since he confirmed it, just curious about initial source.

Abbie Grace - It would be proportionally less for those applying under RD. Overall, there is an acceptance rate of 15% i believe, since approx. 150 get accepted from a pool of 1000 or so. While 40-50% ED get accepted, we don't really know how many apply under ED. I'd venture to guess 50? Because I cant see 200 ppl applying ED then 100 getting in, while 800 applicants would be competing :smiley_ab for 50 spots. But who knows for sure? :thankya:

Specializes in Postpartum / Mother-Baby.

I noted in one of the online chats that they accept 130-140 out of ~500 applications for ED.

Jesie, I applied for the ABSN/MSN/MPH. Fingers crossed! It would be great to have good Christmas news :)

Poet - ohhhh I get it now. I always wonder how people come up with their screen names. And here i was thinking your name is probably Whittier and you're a poet. :)

I wish I had more insight into the exact admissions review process. Argh! Distraction is key... good thing I have A&P, Micro and work to keep me in super occupied!

I initially found that percentage in an article of the Hopkins Insider.

But I must say, now that I read it again I am thinking that that is for the undergrad at JHU and not at the nursing school. But the admissions person did say it was true. Maybe we both assumed too much in the conversation. I assumed he was talking about the SON and he assumed I was talking about JHU. Ohh well. They do have to offered acceptance to a lot more than actually accept to make up the approx. 130 class size.

I really liked the article, even if it does talking only about JHU. It has some good info about applying ED in general. I think to save some of my nerves I am going to continue to think that I have about a 50-50 chance!!:D Even if secretly know it could not be true.

At the moment, I'm a little jealous of you folks who decided to submit ED. I'm going for the regular admissions deadline-- which means that I need to finish my essays this week!! Whereas the rest of you have this stuff behind you...

Oh, well. I think that Hopkins is my second choice so, I'm not ready to commit-- although the idea of getting an admissions offer before Christmas is appealing.

Anyone have any suggestions about scholarships, grants, and loans? Especially those who have attended or are currently attending JHU SON. Where did you get the funds?? Advice??

Well, I mailed in my materials this afternoon! I guess now I just have to wait.

Congrats Abbie Grace!!! Now join the rest of us in chewing our nails waiting!!!

I'm so glad to see this topic up and running. I sent in my application for early decision ABSN/MSN/MPH on Saturday, and USPS tracking says they got it. And now begins the wait! i'm a nervous wreck! This is the only school that I really want to go to, but of course if an acceptance doesn't happen I have back-up plans.

I keep thinking of ways I could have made my application and essays better. Argh! Lots of "why didn't I write that?!" moments. Anyone else experiencing that too? It was just so hard to answer in so few words, that I felt I really sacrificed a lot of my tone and storytelling ability.

Well, I hope I get that call for an interview soon. I'd just love to be able to present myself in person rather than just on paper.

I just think I'm going to be nervous for the next six weeks!

Good luck to everyone!

MAN! I was really glad to see your post! Not sure that it means anything, really, that you sent your app in on the first of the month, but I'm applying ED ABSN/MSN and I sent mine in on Wednesday, 28, before the ED deadline, and then Friday, 30 OCT, I got an email saying they had still not received other things I KNEW had been already taken care of, like some transcripts, 1 letter of recommendation, etc., and asked for an explanation. So, I spent the last hour and half of my Friday like a spinning top on fire making phone calls, opening FEDEX accounts and reordering transcripts, tracking priority mail from professors and former bosses and sending an email to JHU to answer the prompting admissions office email, item by item. I would like to think I was very cool on the outside :cool:, but seriously, I was panicking like no body's business :eek:! I made phone calls galore and that very long, very detailed email back to the admissions office detailed where everything should be, according to the tracking numbers, etc. (Because they "recommend" that we follow up with them to track our applications, no?, at least that's what the email said. So, like I said, the return emails I sent, as the information became available throughout the weekend were detailed. I am hoping that they helped in the locating of the materials, because, I know they are busy and were inundated with mail, still yet to be unopened.

I called on Monday morning, the 2nd of November to see whether they had received the explanations to their requests for information, and they said that in fact, they still had a lot of unopened mail, which made me a bit nervous....I wondered how they could say they hadn't received stuff from me when they still had unopened mail. But then....The bottom line is, I just want my materials to be there, and that I want to make the best possible impression. I would LOVE :redbeathe:heartbeat:redbeathe:heartbeat to attend this university.

I'm hoping my stress didn't taint my tone on the phone. You know when you wish for something a great deal and feel like you've worked so hard for it but that it might be just slipping away??? So frustrating!!!! Sigh.

I had great experiences on the phone with the admissions office in general, but after that phone call, I never heard back:sniff:. Not an email to say, "Yes! Here it is! We DID get it! Just like you said!" Nothing. So, in my angst, I battled with myself on whether or not to bother them with a phone call, since they're so busy right now....and finally sent another email yesterday to ask if they in fact had everything. No word. This is agonizing.

Also, it seems most everyone posting here who is combined BSN/MSN has already done either a phone or in-person interview. It's been two weeks since I sent in my application, and I haven't heard anything about an interview. Not even to schedule. Anyone else in this boat? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anyone have any suggestions about scholarships, grants, and loans? Especially those who have attended or are currently attending JHU SON. Where did you get the funds?? Advice??

:twocents: Jessie, Primarily, my funds will be coming from student loans, plain and simple. But, they will be augmented by the Army GI Bill and Army College Fund, which for a Full Time Student will allow somewhere in the neighborhood of 1600.00 per month while you are in school, and there is an Army Spouse's College fund, which allots 6K in college education benefit, which is a use or loose's there, since I am not only a prior service of 12 years, but I am also married to an active duty service member, for use in persuit of an education leading to an occupation which is "transitional" or which is to say, a job that will travel with that Army. Nursing qualifies. I will also apply for scholarships for Maryland for those who served in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom, which I did, and search for any thing else that will apply to me, such as scholarships applicable for members of Golden Key International Honour Society, Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society, and others. These are not "merit" per se, but are as-is. Others which I may apply for are based on merit, (grades, essays, etc....) and I am all for it. I will have a difficult time applying for financial aid because my husband has been in Iraq for the entire last year, will come home in the early next year, but has been tax free for this whole time. So when I fill out FAFSA, I will look mighty weak for need, though, the cost of running a household has been very high in this economy, especially since I haven't been working, and have been back in school getting my prereqs to attend at JHU (hopefully)......It will look like I won't need financial aid, but I will. So, I will have to pull through like everyone else, and I'm still trying to solidify my plan. Don't have it cemented, but will pray, keep fingers crossed, stand on one leg, hold breath, make the sign of the cross.. skip starbucks.....(lol) whatever it takes! What are your plans??? Good luck with your app for JHUSON! Best wishes to all!:loveya:

You know when you wish for something a great deal and feel like you've worked so hard for it but that it might be just slipping away??? So frustrating!!!! Sigh.

longbow.shelly, boy do I ever know that feeling!

hey! It's nice to have some support on this forum. I think we're all a little crazed about the process!

I wouldn't worry too much about your materials. As long as they actually got there, I'm sure it's just a matter of time for them to open the mail. My most recent emails to admissions took about 3 days before they answered... they're totally mobbed there, I'm sure.

I sent in my application about 2 and a half weeks ago. It took them about a week to confirm that all of my materials were there, and I just got contacted to schedule an interview this past Friday. I actually had my interview this morning. I was nervous, but there was really nothing to be nervous about. It was definitely more conversational than a strict question and answer session. The interviewer was really nice, and so knowledgeable about the school and program.

And now it's just waiting... and waiting... but at least not for TOO long! This really is my first and only choice, so fingers crossed :)

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