Johns Hopkins BSN/MSN Fall 2010 Anyone?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all - maybe I am jumping the gun, but has anyone else begun working on their applications for Summer/Fall 2010 admission?

I plan on applying for direct entry to JHU, UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. With the exception of UCSF's 9/1 deadline, the rest seem to be due between 11/1 and 12/1. Although UCSF has the closest deadline, I am stressing the most about the essays for JHU. Anyone started them yet?

Also, does anyone plan on attending the open house that JHU is having in September? I would love to go, but I am in California, so I have to decide if it is worth the $$$. I am thinking I might be better off saving the money to fly out for the interview (positive thinking here).

Anyway, I would love to compare notes with anyone applying, or anyone who applied last year.

Thanks and good luck! :D

in one of the chats that i participated in an admissions counselor said that the interviews were only for the msn portions and not really the bsns. they also said that you could get accepted for the bsn portion and not the msn portion.

congrats to everyone who did well on the gre. well....congrats on taking the gre period!!! stressful!!! does anyone know of a good place to look for housing close to jhu son? i have been trying to research the neighborhoods but i think it might be best to get it from someone with more knowledge of the area.

ashera--thank you for your information!! it's is priceless!!

I'm so glad to see this topic up and running. I sent in my application for early decision ABSN/MSN/MPH on Saturday, and USPS tracking says they got it. And now begins the wait! i'm a nervous wreck! This is the only school that I really want to go to, but of course if an acceptance doesn't happen I have back-up plans.

I keep thinking of ways I could have made my application and essays better. Argh! Lots of "why didn't I write that?!" moments. Anyone else experiencing that too? It was just so hard to answer in so few words, that I felt I really sacrificed a lot of my tone and storytelling ability.

Well, I hope I get that call for an interview soon. I'd just love to be able to present myself in person rather than just on paper.

I just think I'm going to be nervous for the next six weeks!

Good luck to everyone!

rockkstarr, I know EXACLTY what you mean!! I read, and read, and read my essays, but once I sent them is I thought of things I could have put in. 200-300 words just gets you started! It was so hard to put everything in that I felt was important. Hopefully I can elaborate in the interview. I am a nervous wreck and it's only the first week in November!

The essays were so stressful - I never knew three short pages could be so difficult! Even though I had three different people read them, I was convinced that as soon as I mailed it I would find some staggeringly stupid spelling/grammatical error!

I am applying to eight schools with a whole hierarchy of preferences, but I am really focused (aka obsessed) on Hopkins. They just seem to be the total package, at least for what I am looking for. Ahhh, six more weeks of obsessing!

Anywho - good luck all!

after reading this forum for months, and all the stories of people applying, it is so interesting to be in their shoes now as i apply to jhu and other schools. i hope for the best for all of us. baltimore is about to be rocked in summer 2010 by all of us excited and great nursing students (that is depending upon their acceptance of us, and our acceptance of them)!


I actually enjoyed the challenge of expressing myself in so few words (although i think i went slightly over 300 on each, which may or may not hurt my chances). The word limit is imposed to measure our ability to write economically and follow instructions. Equally, reading 3000 essays of greater length would be too tedious and, quite frankly, boring for any admissions committee. For me the most difficult thing to do was identify events in my life that matched their requested topics. I dont view my experiences with a sense of poetry required to poignantly communicate through writing. I think as long as you demonstrated a commitment to becoming a nursing, and a thorough understanding of a nurses responsibilties and role on the treatment team, you'll be fine.

Writing the essay for the merit scholarship was more difficult. Did anyone else apply for it?


I'm more concerned about the content of my recommendations than my own essays, even though I'm confident my choices were my best bets since I had an established relationship with each. (My chemistry teacher, biology teacher and immediate supervisor at the mental health facility where i work). But, I'm regretting not waiving my right to view the letters because even though I haven't seen any of them, a strong letter of recommendation with the rights of a student waived, may carry more weight than if the student has eventual access to it. The recommeder has the additional concern of hurting the applicant's feelings , you know?

i'm eagerly anticipating a decision more than feeling nervous. I love the wait and having something to look forward to as it concerns college. I got rejected from enough schools when applying for my undergraduate to have effective coping skills in my orificenal. =)

jesie and protongirl, I see I'm in good company. I've been obsessing about Hopkins too, ever since I went to the open house last spring. It IS the total package! My main interests lie in public health, and the idea of going to both the SON and Bloomberg is just too much :)

amojo - wouldn't it be great if we could all rock Baltimore? If I get in, I'd love to look up some other foum watchers!

PoetWhittier - I'm assuming from your name that you're a poet? That's what I was saying to my family... perhaps I should have written the essays in verse in order to fit the word count requirement :) You have a good point about the tedium of reading so many essays. I certainly had that in mind, and just wanted to write in a way that made my essay memorable. Definitely a challenge.

I haven't applied for the merit scholarship. The essay/application isn't due until February, so I decided not to put myself through that until I'm definitely accepted.

I see what you're saying about the recommendations, but I wouldn't worry about not waiving your rights to view them. I'm sure it's not uncommon to do so! It sounds like you have a great attitude about the wait. I could learn something about that, rather than being such an anticipatory stress monkey :) But I'm not like that about everything... just Christmas and Hopkins apps!

To those still worrying about the interview, I wouldn't stress at all over it. Just be prepared to express your interest in nursing and why you chose Hopkins. I saw it as a casual way to summarize your application and motivation to become a nurse one on one with an admission's officer. They won't ask you any trick questions or anything designed to catch you off guard.

I'm personally trying to avoid thinking about my application because it just makes me nervous! I, like most others on this board, second guessed a lot of what I said in the essays after I sent my application in. Oh well, here's to hoping.

ok, so i had my interview yesterday and it wasn't as bad as i thought! i feel like a big weight has been lifted. i asked a couple of questions that i wanted to share with everyone. i asked him if it was true that somewhere between 40-50% of people who apply ed get in and he said yes. i also asked if i there were already people who had been accepted and he said no. they wait to tell everyone around the 15th of dec. strangely, that made me feel better. he also said that the interviews were really for the msn portion. most who apply for only the bsn are not interviewed because they feel like what they need to know is in the application packet. i am not sure if that applies for all people applying bsn ed or not. i read in another thread that everyone applying ed is interviewed.

so now all i have to do is nervously wait. i did also learn that they have duck pin bowling in baltimore! fun!! i will be praying for everyone to have a good interview and an acceptance letter! blessings!

Jesie, that's great! Did you do your interview in person or on the phone?

And best of luck to you as well. This is such an exciting time and process :)

I did my interview over the phone. I prefered to do it in person, those are always better, but I just couldn't make it there. It lasted for about 45 minutes and he was very punctual! :specs:

rockkstarr, did you apply for the ABSN only or ABSN/MSN? I'm counting the days down in my head. It's like a kid waiting for Christmas, but hopefully we will get a present early!! That would be such great news to share with family and friends in the holiday season. But, it could go the other way too..:o But HAPPY thoughts!! I am trying to keep myself busy with work (that's not really too hard!!) and family. Blessings to all!

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