John Tyler Spring 2016 applicants

U.S.A. Virginia


Is there anyone on here who applied or is applying to the program starting spring 2016?

I just finished the summer session at JTCC which was my first semester and applied to the spring 2016 traditional track. I just moved here from NC in June and I'm so nervous about my application.

Great! I knew it had to be something we weren't thinking of, at least not right then...congrats!!

What were some of your TEAS V scores, and GPA scores for the people who were accepted to the program???

Do you mind sharing your teas score?

Hi xOgrace10, my TEAS score was in the 97th percentile national & program (around 87.5 for the adjusted individual score.. I don't quite remember the exact number) and I had a 4.0 in my prereqs. Hope this helps!

Congratulations! I am planning on applying to the hybrid program for fall 2016. Would you mind sharing your TEAS and GPA stats?

Would you mind sharing you TEAS score and GPA? I'm applying for the hybrid program for Fall 2016.

Hi x0grace10 and Hmfog,

My TEAS score was 84% (95% national average) and my circular GPA is 4.0. I study for about 2 weeks and made sure I had at least A&P I and Math 158. I've taken a few science courses (BIO, CHEM, Envr Science), which I think helped. I ended up scoring 97% in the science and 99% in the language arts (brushed up on my sentence structure and parts of speech). I ran out of time in the math but I ended up with an 84% and an 83.6% (but whose counting) in the reading section, ran out of time there too. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses so be sure to focus on strengthening your weaknesses :) and that should get you a higher score. Good luck!!

My TEAS was 79.3 which put me in 88th program percentile and GPA 3.6. I got into hybrid (they had sent me the wrong email)

Mine was around 85% program and I think 96% national average with a 4.0 GPA. I did great in every area except science which is usually my strong subject. I focused most of my time studying for the other subject areas and neglected science.. Not a good idea. I also only had the time to take it once. IMO the questions in the study guide were harder than the questions I received on my test.

and CONGRATULATIONS everyone! See you all this Friday =)

Check your emails ladies. There's information regarding upcoming orientation. There are 10 attachments.

My TEAS was very similar to 2bNurseMom17, but I have curricular and overall GPA of 4.00. I also completed all my first semester prerequisite courses prior. I got into Traditional Track.

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