Job Shadowing offer after interview


I had an interview with human resources a while ago and a peer panel interview yesterday. I was called 45 min later to schedule job shadowing for a couple of hours. Does anyone have any advice regarding job shadowing, and is this a pretty good sign that I have a great chance of getting the job?

Specializes in orthopedic & HDU.
I had an interview with human resources a while ago and a peer panel interview yesterday. I was called 45 min later to schedule job shadowing for a couple of hours. Does anyone have any advice regarding job shadowing, and is this a pretty good sign that I have a great chance of getting the job?
9⃣9⃣.9⃣9⃣% you've got the job this is the final checks. Good luck and congrats mate

Thank you! I am very nervous as I've never job shadowed before. I don't want to ask too many or not enough questions. I am truly passionate, so I hope that they are able to see that.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

If they asked you to shadow, it looks like your chances of landing the job are excellent :)

However, you don't have the job until you receive the official job offer from HR. More than one nurse on this forum--myself included--has shadowed or been offered a a chance to shadow, and still found themselves without a job at the end. So don't let your guard down: bring your A game to the shadowing and do your best.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for your advice! Do you have any advice for during the shadowing? Do I literally just observe everything and ask questions? Also, what do you think they are looking at exactly during the shadowing? Thank you for any further advice you may have.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Find out what you attire you should wear; listen to what they have to say; be willing to help but don't be disappointed or grouse if they won't let you do much; listen and follow instructions if they do let you do something; don't be afraid to ask questions; if you don't know the answer to a question they ask you, don't fake it--say that you don't know but that you would find it out from a reference/coworker.

Specializes in orthopedic & HDU.
Thank you so much for your advice! Do you have any advice for during the shadowing? Do I literally just observe everything and ask questions? Also, what do you think they are looking at exactly during the shadowing? Thank you for any further advice you may have.
JOB SHADOWING TIPS*1. *Introduce YourselfBegin the day with a handshake. *Smile and introduce yourself, using your first and last name and the school you're from. *Inform your Job Shadowing host that you'll be taking notes for this assignment.*2. *Respect Time* * When you interview a person at their place of employment, it is likely that* * they are putting aside other work to talk to you. *Respect their generosity.*3. *Be Prepared* * Have your research sheet and questions ready. *It's impressive to show that * * ** * you've taken time to prepare.*4. *Be Professional* * Ask your questions precisely, don't ramble. *Bring your questions in your Job* * Shadow folder. *Remember to dress appropriately for a business setting.*5. *Listen* * Listen to all of your host's response before writing a brief summary in your * ** * notes. *If you don't completely understand, say so, and ask for more details.*6. *Don't Be Afraid* * Your host understands that it takes time to get notes down properly. *A little ** * quiet as you write demonstrates respect for what they have said. *Don't * ** * worry about the quiet.*7. *Be Courteous* * Because you are in a place of employment, you need to time your questions ** *appropriately and do not interrupt potential sales or customer needs.*8. *End Thankfully* *Ask you host if there is anything else they would like to add to your report ** *before you return it to your teacher. *Everyone you meet is a potential ** *connection to another opportunity. *It is very appropriate to send a thank you* *card to your host. *You never know when you may return to ask for a job.*
Specializes in Medical-Surgical / Palliative/ Hospice.

A job shadow offer is as much of a benefit for you as it is for the employer/employees getting to know you. You will get a good feel for the area you applied and will be able to see if it "fits" what you want. Pay attention, look, listen, and ASK QUESTIONS. But, whatever you do, please do not do any patient care. You are not an employee and there is a big liability if something goes wrong when you are shadowing. We had an interviewee shadow for 4 hours and didn't find out until the end that she had been starting IV's and helping turn patients... what would have happened if she had hurt herself?? Whoops!

Good luck!!

Thank you so much! I am very excited to get a feel for what the unit would be like if I worked there. And it will be nice to meet everyone I would work with. Thank you for your advice on not doing patient care. Is there some way I could be helpful without doing any patient care? I agree it is a liability so wouldn't think of doing so.

I'd say that it's looking pretty good for you!! I had two interviews that I shadowed for and was offered a position at each. I'm SO glad I did it too, because it helped me know for sure where I wanted to accept an offer. To be helpful without really getting too involved, you could always run and grab supplies if the chance arises. Remember to send a thank you! BEST OF LUCK!!

Congrats to you!! Also, thank you so very much for your encouragement and advice!

How long after you shadowed did you get the offer?

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