Published Aug 7, 2012
29 Posts
Is it really that bad? For those who made it: do you have any advice for new students? Is it possible to get A's? I have a 4.0 currently and would really like to keep it.
7 Posts
I made it. Forget trying to get an A out of Fund. Its possible for Health Assess and Pharm. Look, only 25% will make it to second semester. You have to decide is it worth studying ALL the time and way ahead. My advice, cover yourself and apply for the spring program. Why? Cause if you get less than 75 in ONE class, you cant proceed to the next semester and you have to wait for the next opportunity to reapply UNLESS you did what I said.. Apply for the next entry just in case. Once you take your 2nd or 3rd test in Fund, you'll understand what Im talking about. Ive never had a class I couldnt study my way to an A like that one. Oh, I get NCLEX style questions. Some of those test questions you will just think "WTH?". Now Pharm, get ANY edition of the book Calculate W/ confidence. FINISH that book. Completely. Get the abbreviations down asap. Finish the math packet they gave you. You can get a used version of calculate w/ conf from amazon for cheap. Less time you spend studying for math tests is more time you can spend studying Fund. Studying math is your biggest priority right now. Health assessment... Know the PROCEDURE for assessing a body part, the TOOLS used, if any, and the normal results. Also know what abnormal signs can mean. Study that from the clinical pocketbook, and you'll get an A, Also, know what the parts of a clinical record. Bob recently lost his job. Where would you put that?
Thank you for the advice :) Why is fundamentals so difficult? Is it because of the teacher or the material? Do you only get one chance on the dosage test before clinical? How many questions are there and how many can you miss? I have been practicing with calculating with confidence and will keep practicing :) My math is good but I do have to memorize the conversions. What kind of stethoscope do you recommend?
3 Posts
I hear nights and weekend are awesome at Shelby but 1st semester at the Shelby day program sucks. Over half my class is failing Fundamentals and there have been no A's on any Fundamentals tests. To say it's stressful is an understatement. Supposedly the final is easy but I'll believe it when I see it. 75% and above is what's passing and right now I have a 72%. Only 5 weeks to go our I'd probably give up. Oh the calculations test for clinicals is easy but some of the calculations tests for pharm are rather difficult. Health Assessment is 99% self-study. We are told to watch videos, see a 30-40 minute demonstration and then practice on our own. This has been nothing like I thought it would be. I'd love to hear how 1st semester is at the Jefferson campus.
springchick1, ADN, RN
1 Article; 1,769 Posts
Nights and weekends at Shelby is majority self study and it is hard. We lost 3 this semester because of dosage calculation. It is different instructors but it is only one class this semester.
16 Posts
What is second semester like? How many days a week & for how many hours are clinicals?
19 Posts
Yes it really is THAT bad AND in 2nd semester they assign you clinical and will not change it. Shelby is extremely unorganized and the instructors are unreasonable. I might just withdraw and go somewhere else for these reasons!
Just know that it isn't just Jeff State that is disorganized. If you talk to people in other programs, they will say the same thing. And just and FYI, most schools won't accept credits from other nursing programs. You may want to look into it before you up and quit.
HM-8404, BSN, RN
319 Posts
Often people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to nursing school. Up to that point life came before school and they did well. When you start the nursing program nursing school comes first or you will find another career. I am a third semester student and I have found many of those that have the most problems with nursing school are those that enter with an extremely high GPA. Often they cannot adjust to test answers that are not black and white.
I would agree with that. Nursing school does come first. My mom made the comment the other day that she doesn't see me as much as she used to. I have 145 pages to read between now and next Tuesday, plus listening to the only lecture since we aren't having class this week but have a test on all the material Tuesday. Plus I work full time and am on call this weekend. Nursing school is different and you're going to have to learn to cope with it and learn to think critically or it will be a struggle for you.
130 Posts
I agree with you wholeheartedly Aubgurl. I think we are in the same cohort actually. My social life is on hold, I have told my boyfriend that unless he is willing to quiz me on NCLEX questions, then basically, I'll see ya in two years. The only thing that comes before my reading and studying is my kid. Yes, my job has to be a priority because I have to pay the mortgage and keep the lights on, but I have a bigger plan in mind, and I no longer get guilted into picking up other's slack. My kid, my studies, and then my job. People sometimes don't realize what a HUGE commitment NS is. Luckily, I have banked vacation days so that if a clinical has to take place on a workday, then I am set. No weeklong beach trips right now, no taking off to NY because I feel like it like I did in the past, all because for me that R.N. behind my name is more important. Also, I am aware that we are at the whim of the clinical facility's availability, not the other way around. I would just suggest that for those who are not ready to put a whole lot of other things aside, think long and hard about this career path. See you Tuesday, and have fun studying. :)
The Shelby day program is ridiculous. There was not one "A" in Fundamentals Spring 2013.