Ivy Tech Spring 2016 Applicants

U.S.A. Indiana


I have been looking for a thread for any Ivy students that have applied for 2016 and can't find one!

Since the wait for the letter is going to KILL me, I really wanted to start a thread to communicate with others who are also waiting on that letter.


What are your TEAS scores, grades, and points? What campus are you applying to?

I have a TEAS score of 88 and all A's, and will be applying to the ASN and PN program at the sellersburg campus!

Hoping to meet other Ivy Techers :)

TallyB, I live in the area. It's actually the next closest one to me besides Columbus. But, Columbus doesn't have Spring entry. Bloomington and Madison are about the same distance from me. What have you heard regarding the Sellersburg clinicals?

TallyB, I live in the area. It's actually the next closest one to me besides Columbus. But, Columbus doesn't have Spring entry. Bloomington and Madison are about the same distance from me. What have you heard regarding the Sellersburg clinicals?

I also applied to the Sellersburg campus. I've heard clinicals are amazing, because they include kosair children's hospital and UofL, both are level 1 trauma centers!

I also applied to the Sellersburg campus. I've heard clinicals are amazing, because they include kosair children's hospital and UofL, both are level 1 trauma centers!

Awesome! If I get an acceptance letter I'm strongly considering them. I've talked to other nurses and they said it was amazing there!

I got a score of 78 on the TEAS, and I made all A's in my pre-requisites. I am only applying to Bloomington.

Good luck, everyone!

I got a score of 78 on the TEAS, and I made all A's in my pre-requisites. I am only applying to Bloomington.

Good luck, everyone!

Good luck to you!!! Tomorrow is officially the deadline, and I'm going to be stalking the mail man everyday afterward like a crazy person! The packet said we will get letters by September 30, but I can't help it lol.

Good luck, let us know how it goes!

97.6% Reading

100% Math

77.1% Science

86.7% English

89.3% Total (98% National/99% Program)

Pretty good! Though lower than my practice tests (the science had a bunch in areas I was weak and I don't know what happened in the English!)

So a 149.3 score total has me feeling decent. :)

The clinicals at the Sellersburg campus are great. Just like mentioned above about the two trauma centers. This is why many people apply here

I applied to the Evansville campus with a score of 146. Good luck, everyone!

97.6% Reading

100% Math

77.1% Science

86.7% English

89.3% Total (98% National/99% Program)

Pretty good! Though lower than my practice tests (the science had a bunch in areas I was weak and I don't know what happened in the English!)

So a 149.3 score total has me feeling decent. :)

Way to go!!!! I applied with a 148! And I see Kelrae has a 146. Our scores are so close, you both for sure should keep me updated on when you get your letter!

I'm not going to lie, seeing how competitive both of your scores are makes me nervous ! I just hope that we are some of the very few in the high 140s.

Also lighthard, I scored an 85 in the English section, I have no idea why it stumped me so bad lol.

Hi All! I saw this and thought I would join in as well! I applied to Bloomignton, Sellersburg, and Madison! I have all A's in my prerequisites and got a 76.7 on the TEAS. I think I have a 138. From what I'm seeing now I may be one of the few guys applying this time around....

Just saw this post! Really happy to see several Sellersburg people! It is the only campus that I applied to, which is starting to make me nervous . I didn't realize so many people applied to more than one campus! Let us know when you start getting your letters:)

I applied to the Valparaiso campus yesterday with a 82.7 on the TEAS and all A's in the pre-reqs. I am already hating the wait for a decision!! Good luck to everyone!

I applied to the Valparaiso campus yesterday with a 82.7 on the TEAS and all A's in the pre-reqs. I am already hating the wait for a decision!! Good luck to everyone!

Good luck to you! The deadline has officially passed, so now we wait !

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