I've decided to go into nursing at 32. Is this a good choice?

Nursing Students Student Assist


I'm 32 years old and pregnant with my 5th child. I've been on food stamps most of my adult life as well as having used up my 5 years of welfare. I'm sick of being poor. So while this is something I want to do, it is for the money as well. I've always dreamed of being a midwife but thought I would love to start out with nursing and then be able to provide for my family. I want to be able to send my kids to college one day. My grandmother was a nurse and I've been told by many people I would make a great nurse. Blood and poop do not bother me.

I want to start next fall when the baby is old enough to be away from me. My partner is being supportive.

My main concerns are: spending 4 years in scool (2 years to do the pre-req)

Not being able to find a job here on the Big island of Hawaii

It would be impractical for me to move my whole family somewhere else.

Anyone else have similar experience or any advice?

I am 56 years old next month. I graduated from nursing school in June 2011. It was the most difficult challenge I've ever faced, but so worth it.

Not only do I make a nice income, but I grew as a person through the process of nursing school.

Just don't fall for all the high minded propaganda they feed you with at nursing school. It's gritty work.

To get a job, go to the local employment office and take advantage of the awesome services they offer to write your resume and practice interviewing techniques. Put yourself ahead of the crowd by investing in these tools of getting hired.

Good luck, stay strong, make up your mind to do it and just go for it.

Seriously, 32 years of age not too old for anything!

It's hard to give advice, don't know you or your situation in depth.

I can tell you though that 32 is still very young. You still have 35 years more to work. And I can tell you that if you do go to school, in 10 years from now when you look back, that 4 years you spent in school will seem like nothing.

Good luck in your decision.

I'm going to start next fall, my baby will be about 6 months old. My other kids are 15,10,8,5 so they are all in school. My partner can watch the baby and if he does find work then my neighbor who has two babies has volunteered to help. I am trying to homestead 3 acres here and I have two cows so my situation is already a lot. But I decided after reading here to go for it. I was already pretty much set on it until I read how hard it is to get a job but I don't think it will be any harder if I'm a nurse or a designer. At least as a nurse I'll be doing something I want to do and not be as bored as I am sitting behind a sewing machine all day. I really am bored with it. I guess I do it too much.

I really do appreciate everyone's advice and the encouragement, it really helps. I have a lot of respect for nurses I know the work is mostly selfless. So Thank You.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I graduated with my RN at age 58!!! You can do it, girl! Don't wait another minute!!

Im 42 and JUST finished pre reqs...have a previous degree.... have applied to UT...and now i wait!!! It's never too late...this has been an amazing journey I have started

Specializes in Very well rounded..


You can shave some time off the 2 years pre-req's. There are colleges out there that can complete a class in 4 weeks. I just completed nutrition and psychology in 4 weeks each. Some colleges don't charge out of state tuition for online classes. There are many start dates so don't wait until January to start. You can begin your search at New Mexico Jr College and Paris Jr College, tho I think Paris was all 8 week classes? Odessa Jr College also. Good luck to you...

I'm 37 with 4 kids. It's gonna be tough, very tough, but do it for yourself. You have the drive to change your circumstances, take advantage of it!!

You need to know that jobs are really extremely hard to get right now. I can't predict what the job market will be like in 4 years, but right now it's very, very hard for nurses to find work. Just a quick perusal of allnurses will confirm this.

I do applaud your efforts to improve your lot and I wish you all the best.

I know I'm a little late to this thread but I just wanted to say...

I may not have children but I am roughly your age (just turned 31). I have a background in IT but did Nursing prereqs from Summer 2011-Spring 2012, because I decided last summer that I wanted to join the Air Force... the blue calls to me, you could say. That and due to my age and age limits they have, Health Care is my only way in. In addition, I believe that Nursing will put me in a far better place to "make a difference" so to speak as opposed to continue to work in IT (which I love, but can't get into the AF with though).

My point though... we/you are still relatively young. Better to work on it sooner rather than later; and I will agree with what someone else said on this thread. It may take you 4 years of school and you will be 36... but even if you don't do it... 4 years from now you will still be 36.

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