It's Official!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am an official Graduate Nurse now!!! As of yesterday I have ended one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, parts of my life! I finally graduated and I am so excited! Thanks to my allnurses family who lended me their support and prayers! It doesn't seem real yet, but maybe it's because I am so tired. :balloons: :balloons:

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

MANY CONGO RATS to YOU !!! :balloons: :balloons:

Now dance !

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

it's such a wonderful feeling, isn't it, congratulations!

:balloons: Congratulations :balloons:

:balloons: Congratulations!!:balloons:


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good luck and congratulations.

Congratulations for a job WELL DONE!

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Ditto! Congratulations!


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