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I am a recent graduate of an online LPN-BSN program, have successfully passed my NCLEX and am registered now in two states. The program I attended was Indiana State University and it took me a little of 2 years at a mix of PT and FT courses. I worked while attending, and have a family. I made the mistake of getting mixed up with TCN bc thought I needed to, in order to get the challenge exam study material.. they have since eliminated that and are no longer contracted with TCN.. thank goodness! TCN is a waste of money. However, while there were hurdles to over come, if you have the self motivation to stay ontop of tight deadlines, and ability to work with students all over the US and sometimes oversees(military) then this is a FANTASTIC program! I am happy to be a resource for a local Washington LPN should anyone need guidance in their application process or just need someone to vent to that is already in the program:) I want to assist in the success of this program bc that is how much I believe in it! I have seen a lot of questions about ISU on this forum and thought it easiest to set up a new topic thread instead of answering everyone's posts..