ISU LPN to BSN ..RN Graduate in Washington State.. letter of guidance to such students

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I am a recent graduate of an online LPN-BSN program, have successfully passed my NCLEX and am registered now in two states. The program I attended was Indiana State University and it took me a little of 2 years at a mix of PT and FT courses. I worked while attending, and have a family. I made the mistake of getting mixed up with TCN bc thought I needed to, in order to get the challenge exam study material.. they have since eliminated that and are no longer contracted with TCN.. thank goodness! TCN is a waste of money. However, while there were hurdles to over come, if you have the self motivation to stay ontop of tight deadlines, and ability to work with students all over the US and sometimes oversees(military) then this is a FANTASTIC program! I am happy to be a resource for a local Washington LPN should anyone need guidance in their application process or just need someone to vent to that is already in the program:) I want to assist in the success of this program bc that is how much I believe in it! I have seen a lot of questions about ISU on this forum and thought it easiest to set up a new topic thread instead of answering everyone's posts..

How was the process of getting Washington to recognize your license? I'm considering it as a LVN in CA but I'm not sure about the process of transferring an Indiana license to California.

Specializes in Cardiology and General.

You should check with the CA BON and ISU before enrolling to see if CA students are being admitted. For a while, CA was going through a thing where they would not allow ISU to conduct clinicals from afar, and without clinicals you could not complete... I am not sure if they have resolved this issue. BUT in answer to your question.. SUPER EASY AND SEAMLESS. I took the NCLEX (here in WA) under Indiana BON, then once I passed the VERY next day submitted my endorsement application and within one week had my WA RN license #!:) So took the Nclex 1/20, received results 1/21, submitted endorsement 1/23 and by 1/30 I was licensed in WA.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

At this point CA BRN does not accept the distance education LVN to BSN program from ISU. No distance/online programs are acceptable for RN licensing in CA

Specializes in Cardiology and General.

Hi justbeachynurse ! I was wondering if you have any info on RN CA endorsement ? So I have passed NCLEX am a registered nurse in WA as well as IN. If I apply to CA for endorsement would I run into trouble?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Hi justbeachynurse ! I was wondering if you have any info on RN CA endorsement ? So I have passed NCLEX am a registered nurse in WA as well as IN. If I apply to CA for endorsement would I run into trouble?

Yes. They look at your entry to practice education they do not accept the ISU LPN to BSN. You could have a license in all 49 other states and CABRN won't care. Yet you can do the LVN + 30 credit option to challenge the NCLEX-RN and CNA's with 60 months of specific clinical paid experience and a pharmacology course may be able to challenge the NCLEX-PN yet Excelsior & ISU are auto rejected

Specializes in Cardiology and General.

@Just beachy nursy.. I am wondering if you have had first hand experience or where you are retrieving this information if you don't mind me asking? What are your credentials and what state do you work in?

I have looked into this personally and directly from the endorsement application, ISU program would probably qualify as meeting the requirements. Excellsior may not. Here is what I have located:Nursing Licensure in California | CA - Requirements

" Both out-of-state and internationally licensed nurses are considered for California licensure. If a nurse is currently licensed and has already taken the required examination, the process is called endorsement. The candidate should provide verification from the state in which he originally passed the license exam in addition to the one where he is currently licensed.

The Board notes that Excelsior graduates are subject to the same requirements as other out-of-state applicants. Anyone who enrolled in a program from December 6, 2003 on has been required to have supervised clinical practice, obtained concurrently with nursing theory.

Out-of-state candidates are not required to use Live Scan for fingerprinting, but should be aware that if they opt for a fingerprint card in lieu of Live Scan, an additional fee will be assessed by the Board.

Application packets are available on the Board site (Board of Registered Nursing - Licensure by Endorsement). In most cases, endorsement candidates may apply online ( A temporary license may be issued for an additional $50; this allows the nurse to work while materials are being processed. Criminal background information must be received before any license, including a temporary one, can be issued. If the background check has been completed beforehand, a candidate can hand carry materials to the Board office to expedite the issuance of a temporary license (404 Not Found).

The licensure process is, by law, expedited for any eligible candidate who is the spouse or domestic partner of a member of the military on active duty in California. Applicants should attach a copy of their marriage certificate, evidence of legal union, or certified declaration of domestic partnership. A copy of military orders should also be included.

International candidates should send their school a form titled Breakdown of Educational Program for International Nursing Programs” in addition to the transcript request. If the transcript is not in English, it must be translated by a professional translator. The necessary forms are available in the endorsement packet, along with detailed instructions.

International candidates must take and pass the NCLEX. Canadian candidates who took a pre-1980 licensing exam may be exempted. The Board notes that the Canadian Comprehensive Examination does not substitute for the NCLEX-RN.

Out-of-state nurses are eligible to work under a temporary license. International candidates from non-English speaking nations must present TOEFL scores if they wish to work under an interim permit while waiting to take the NCLEX-RN examination."

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

From ISU:

Program Availability | Indiana State University.

In Arizona, California Kansas, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee, all ISU undergraduate and graduate online programs are available EXCEPT for the following:

Driver Education Graduate Licensure

Driver Education Undergraduate LicensureNursing: LPN/LVN to BSN

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

If you choose to take your chances with CABRN and are successful you will be the first graduate of the distance LPN to BS at ISU program accepted for license by endorsement or examination in CA in over 4 years. Good luck. You can go CABRN website directly rather than a third party site to get info from the source.

Either way congrats on graduating from a program that requires self discipline

It is true that the LPN-BS track is not available for residents of the states shown in yellow on the map at to complete in those states. That does not mean that those states would not accept a valid RN license from an individual who completed the LPN-BS track. Per the website at LPN-BS track - BS | College of Health and Human Services - contact your state licensing authority (contact information available at to assure that, upon completion of the Indiana State University LPN/LVN to BS track of the baccalaureate nursing program, you are qualified to obtain a license or other form of certification.

Specializes in Admin.

You can always work in those states in federal facilities (prisons, VA, military, etc.) with a license from ANY state.

Thanks so much for the info! I am moving out to Washington state from Indiana this summer and am currently applying for the ISU program. It's nice to see some information from someone who has completed it out there. Did you have any issues finding a preceptor for clinicals?

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