Isn't this a joke?

Nurses General Nursing


Monday I was admitted to surgical outpatient for cautery of bleeders in my stomach. In today's mail there was what looked like an engraved invitation from the hospital. When I opened it up, it had notes on it that said "it was such a pleasure taking care of you, it was great working with you, blah blah blah." Each note was handwritten by each nurse or helper in different colored ink.

Hardly anyone talked to me except for the one that got me an extra warm blanket and the doc and cute young nurse were flirting with each other. Isn't this a hoot!

I must be very gullible. Both my son and I have been in the hospital quite a bit. The hospital we use for my son always has a nurse call a couple of days after he is dismissed. She just calls and asks how he is doing and if she remembers me (they usually do) they are very friendly and supportive towards me as well. I always thought that was a very kind and professional policy. Like I said I must just be gullible.

We sign and send cards, and we also are required to do follow up calls... It's a nice idea and all, but it takes time to do this, and frequently it takes away from time with our patients. I just wish I could go back to being "just a nurse," and not have to do all the PR stuff...

i know this is an old post....but since it is back first response would have been "dont waste "my" money this way....

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