Published Mar 10, 2013
2,836 Posts
At my LTC, they send the RN's to take care of the "medically stable patients" on the chronic long term units and they send the LPN's to staff the "medically unstable patients" on the skilled care side of LTC. Is this how they do it at your LTC too? I don't understand it. Why not send the RN's to care for the "medically unstable patients"?
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
I try to staff with all RNs on the subacute unit. I haven't been able to find enough qualified RNs despite advertising and an individualized orientation program. I agree with you.....the RNs should be taking care of the sicker patients.
623 Posts
As a LPN I 100% agree that RNs should be assigned to the medically unstable patients as well, but in my 17 years of LTC experience, I have always been assigned to the sicker patients and the RN has always acted as supervisor, being on stand by for any situations requiring more advanced skills. I will say though that I have learned quite a variety of skills over the years by taking care of medically unstable patients.
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
I was asking myself the same question a couple of months ago when I noticed the same thing where I work. I cant understand what they are thinking. There is usually only one RN in the building and when we have something that needs to be done by an RN, we have to run over and borrow her to help us. This is an inconvenience to both of us. Last night I had the most acute resident in the building as a new Grad LPN. I dont know what can be done about it, that is only one thing in a long list of issues that myself and some other Nurses are not happy about.
BrandonLPN, LPN
3,358 Posts
Of course, someone who's truly "medically unstable" shouldn't be in LTC in the first place......
We have a subacute unit full of medically unstable residents.
At my LTC they accept "anyone who has good insurance" period. Yes, someone who is "medically unstable" shouldn't be in LTC in the first place. That's the way it is suppose to be. Isn't the LTC suppose to send a nurse to the hospital to check out the patient and make sure he is "medically stable" before they accept him? I guess in today's economy they don't do that anymore? They just accept anyone who is breathing and who has "good medical insurance? We usually have to send out at least one patient per shift to the ER at my LTC.
1,547 Posts
There is one regular LPN in my subacute unit that I would prefer to take care of a family member over most of the RNs on the sub-acute floor.
Maybe who ever is staffing your sub-acute floor prefers some of the experienced LPNs in the sub-acute unit? Or is it really LPN in sub-acute and RN in LTC rule?
When I was an LPN, I would get floated to the sub-acute unit from time to time even though there was an RN working the other LTC floor. I was told I could handle the sub-acute floor. There is not really any major things an LPN cannot do in my LTC/sub-acute facility because we always have an RN supervisor around for the "RN stuff".
When I became an RN, I was floated more frequently to the sub-acute unit and disliked it because I did not like doing admissions/readmissions. I was working 3-11 shift so most admissions come on my shift.
Personally, I would be happy if I were in your facility because I would be in the LTC side with the "stable patients". :)