Is it true that OR nurses......

Specialties Operating Room


I was just wondering if it is true that OR nurses don't get paid that well? I heard that wages aren't too good for OR nurses. Thanks!

Specializes in peds cardiac, peds ER.


I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner, I just saw your post. Congratulations on your graduation!!!

I haven't come up with any conclusive answers to this question yet. It's frustrating trying to decide, because we have (at least at my school) very little exposure to the OR and perioperative nursing. I am really interested in it, but I have so many questions. I'm still trying to get more information. I'm going to a local AORN meeting that is open to students this month and I'm hoping to get more information there.

Did you decide to take a job in the OR?

Good luck!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Hi...I just accepted a job in the OR as a new grad...a 6 month perioperative fellowship...I'd love to talk!

Specializes in OR RN Circulator, Scrub; Management.

I went straight from college to the OR and have never looked back. Yes, I did lose a lot of the things learned in school but what I have gained in scrubbing and circulating I NEVER would have received in nursing school. OR nursing is still nursing, just of another variety. There are plenty of refresher courses and orientation programs if a person is motivated to change jobs is scary regardless of what position you take or move from. I often joke with the floor nurses (I know I couldn't be one.......they too work their tails off) and remind them that I couldn't get dropped into their unit and expect to know what to do no more than they could be dropped into the OR and able to function.

Good luck with your careers regardless of what you choose. My only advice is that don't let the "try med-surg first and get the experience" be the main reason to not give the OR a try. Also, if you can get a internship or even a few days to observe it would definitely help!!

I love bragging about what I make a year because it has taken me almost 30 years to get where I am today. I want younger nurses to know their potential and what is available if they apply themselves. Yes, you probably will make more than your boss because they can't get OT and call time. If you are ambitious, you can make what you want. OR nurses have always had that potential and they should always take advantage of it. Mike

Thanks for bragging. It has definitely motivated me.:lol2:

Specializes in peds cardiac, peds ER.

Hello all,

Thanks for the comments!

I went to the AORN meeting and it was great. The people were very warm and welcoming, answered all of my questions, and I found the education interesting. I'm planning on going back. If other local chapters are anything like mine was, it's a good thing to do if you are thinking of going into the OR and wanting more information.

Between reading some of these posts, working as a PCT on a floor, going to that meeting, and really giving all of this some thought I decided that I am going to continue researching these options, but I am really leaning towards the OR. I think it would really suit me, and there are alot of people on here who started there and haven't regretted it. If I don't like it, after I work a few years I can try something else.

And really, what's not to like?? ;)

Specializes in Paramedic,ER, House Supervisor, OR, CVOR.

I worked in the Emergency Department for years, often wanting to check out the OR but when I tried to get a postion they always stuck me in the ER first. I have now worked in the OR for over two years and am on my 8th month in the CVOR. It's great. You have one patient to take care of at a time. You never had that in any other area. Now if you want the care of the same patient every day go to a Nursing home or a Med Surg floor. If you want you job to be interesting and ever changing choose the ER or OR I am glad for my experience in each.

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Yeah, I've heard OR nurses don't make much money either. While money isn't the main motivator, if I like two different things, it can be a tie breaker :)

I realize I can make more with OT, but can I make more than ICU nurse?

Specializes in peds cardiac, peds ER.

It's funny about the money thing, I have never heard that OR nurses make less. I have even seen some hefty sign on bonuses for experienced OR nurses around here, and I haven't seen that for any other specialty.

Perhaps this payment issue is different in different areas of the country?

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

In this area of the country, a sign-on bonus is a red-flag of a bad retention problem.

Specializes in peds cardiac, peds ER.

You know, that hadn't occurred to me when I was looking at these places. The only sign on bonus for new grads around here is at a place which I know has terrible problems. The sign on bonus I saw most recently for experienced cardiac OR nurses is at a facility with an excellent reputation, actually the only Magnet hospital around. I wonder if they specifically have problems retaining in the OR? Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep that in mind.

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