Published Nov 8, 2006
81 Posts
I finally got in touch with the civilian new grad RN recruiter at the navy medical center San Diego (Balboa) Hooray!! She said they do hire new grad civilian nurses and told me that they are hired on a GS federal pay scale. With an ADN no experience new grad, I would start as a G4 and then after 12 weeks orientation, i would be a G5. I really hope I am reading the pay chart incorrectly b/c it shows that as a G4 in san diego, you'd make $29,000 to start. As a 32 year old single woman with alot bills and school loans to pay off, that would be pretty difficult. Can someone PLEASE translate this and tell me if I am reading it wrong or what it should be. I have always wanted to work at the Navy hspital and if this is the case it will be financially impossible for me. I would reall appreciate any feedback from someone that is familiar with the GS pay scale for civilian nurses.
Thanks alot!!!
I am told I need to locate the GS pay scale title 5 table D 054 for nurses. I have searched for over an hour. If anyone has a link that would be awesome!!!
Gennaver, MSN
1,686 Posts
Would the pay scale on the Commissioned Corps officers of the PHS page help?
Gen-good luck!
Thank you for your reply. i know that active duty pay is very different from civilian so i dont think this would help. But thank you anyway.
Maybe this is too simple but, why not call the person who told you to look at that pay scale and ask "where do I find it?"
330 Posts
Try this. I worked as a GS Rn before and it was my experience that GS's are a GS 9 - GS 11 . 12's are usually practioners and above, usually.
Good luck.
PS if the link does not work I googles Government Service Pay.
military spouse
577 Posts
I've known several people to work as GS4--clerks, secretaries, etc. I would NEVER work as a GS4 as an RN. I interviewed for a position in GA that was a GS 9 or 10. I decided during my interview that I didn't want to work for that person and didn't want to relocate. There are many great jobs in the San Diego area!! Good luck!!!!!!!!
140 Posts
Do you have to be a full/part time "G" employee or do they use travelers to help with staffing?
325 Posts
Traveling nurses are used at NMCSD. One area that I know is heavily staffed with travelers is the NICU.
2,228 Posts
That doesn't sound right. My experience is that an RN is a GS 9.
Okay- so i decided just to ask the recruiter which I know should of seemed like the obvious thing to do, but I didnt know if they are allowed to give those figures out and since I had a lengthy conversation with her about the hospital, I didnt want to give the impression like "whats in it for me" before I am even hired! So, its true that with an ADN you start at a GS4 then after orientation move up to GS5, then in 3-6 months move up to GS6, then in 6 months from there GS7 and then if that wasnt confusing enough.... basically its a program they have called accelerated promotions program. I really do appreciate all of your feedback. Thanks again.
51 Posts
I work on a GS scale and basically if you are a new graduate, you come in at a lower level (that is a new grad with less than 1 yr experience.) You progress like you said. However--with that said, I do not know any RN's (either ADN's or BSN's) who are anything below a GS9. I came in as a GS-10 and since we do have critical care and must maintain critical care skills, we were made GS-11's. I have been in the system 4 1/2 years and am a GS-11, Step 3. Even in the clinics though the nurse's are not below a GS 9. I think though that nurses, like I said with less than 1 year experience regardless of degree status start out a little lower. If nothing else, make sure you get your promotions like you should. Julie