Published Oct 17, 2008
9 Posts
Pregnancy takes your mind and body through an ongoing stream of changes. On a basic level, your body is making unusual amounts of hormones. At certain times, this can make you feel exhausted, forgetful or moody. On top of that, it is normal to be preoccupied with how your body is quickly changing, how to manage symptoms, how different your life is becoming, worry about the pregnancy going well, finances, and keeping up with every day life.
First Trimester
Mother has speculations and anticipation about new role. They are more concerned about the future. First trimester dreams often revolve around the pregnant women's past. Childhood homes and old lovers often figure prominently.
First Month
1. Hypersensitivity to orders.
Certain strong smells - garlic, fish or coffee may "go right to your stomach", and trigger instant nausea. The family dog may smell more "doggy". A favorite perfume may turn your stomach. Favorite foods may set off the gag response. Normal masculine orders of your husband may repulse you.
2. Aversion to certain foods.
Sometimes you will be unable to eat certain foods without gagging. "Cravings" will actually be for the few things you can stand to eat
3. After noon, evening or midnight sickness.
The intestinal upsets of pregnancy can occur at any time of the day or night and in any month of your pregnancy. The most common feelings include slight sickness, feelings of breathlessness, dizziness, a sense of being suffocated, and the full - blown whoopsies.
Second Month
Many of the emotions you feel in the first month intensify during the second and continue to be unsettled as your stomach.
1. Overly sensitive and touchy
Daily tasks can seem mountainous when you are tired, nauseous and in ambivalence. Take this touchiness as a signal from your body, telling you to do what you to do what you can to clear your environment of things that disturb your peace.
2. Upset for no reason
As the excitement and newness of the pregnancy, begin to wear off and settle in to the reality of pregnant life.
3. Feeling dependent
Prior to being pregnant, you may have been used to a relatively independent life style at work and at home. Now you are one who needs to be cared for, and being on the needy end of a relationship can trouble yourself esteem.
Third month
1.An inner confidence
The fear of miscarriage, so prevalent in the first few months, now lessens a lot, since miscarriages most often occur within the first eight weeks. It is in this month that most women begin to feel confident that they really are going to delver a healthy baby.
2.A need to be alone.
Many women report that they just want to be alone. Perhaps this is another one of the nature's message to slow down, retreat, and consider you first.
Second Trimester
Mothers will feel more confident and more concentrated on her own and the fetus needs. The women begin to get a sense of the baby as a real person, and the bonding process between the mother and child begins in earnest. Both water and animal themes often figure prominently in second trimester dreams. For example, the women may dream she is a whale or dolphin in the ocean, swimming alongside her child.
Hearing baby's heart beat, seeing him or her on ultrasound, even suspecting you feel the first kicks make your pregnancy seem more " real ". These sings will intensely your feeling of closeness with your baby and your realization that this tiny little person inside is really part of you.
Towards the end of second trimester, it is obvious to the world that you are growing a baby; you can enjoy the perks that may come with your observable status. The clerk at the supermarket may offer to help you load your groceries into the car. Passers - may glance your way with a look of admiration. It may seem to you that you have gone up a few notches in the eyes of many people whose respect, admiration, awe, and tenderness suggest they know you are doing the most important job in the world - growing a baby.
1. Mental fuzziness
Many women feel what we label the " mommy brain" - you can't quite get a fix on what you want to say , you fight harder for simple vocabulary sometimes you can be forgetful or " spacey".
2 .Overwhelmed with advice
The whole world wants to help you grow your baby. This is a good time to learn to ignore unhelpful advice & become more discerning about whose opinion you value.
3. A time of acceptance
Your body is being taken over by another person. You may delight in the privilege of carrying this person. You may delight in the privilege of carrying this person, yet wonder why you have to endure many discomforts. Try to balance physical exertion with rest; mental stimulation with mindless relaxation, work that makes times fly with leisure that allows your mind and body to catch up.
Third Trimester
Mainly physical discomfort returns and psychological dimensions expand. Nature often figures prominently in 3rd trimester. Dreams, and the imagery can be quite powerful-volcanoes erupt, dams burst and tidal waves roll.
Such dreams are representative of the impending birth and act as a dress rehearsal, of sorts, for the labor and delivery to come. Those bizarre dreams you are having just may make you better parent, or at least a better- prepared one. A greater desire for pregnancy to be over; even though you have come a long way, two more months to delivery day seems like an eternity. This normal impatience is likely to get worse as days pass.
1. The urge to imagine
You may imagine your baby, or picture the baby and other children playing together.
2. Greater sense of relief
Especially if you preoccupied with worry about going in top premature labor, you now can take comfort knowing that your baby would, with a lot of medical help, probably survive if born now. Many mothers report serious ambivalence about parenthood. One day you may feel excited about the big event soon to happen. Another day you may feel incredibly nervous about the tremendous changes the birth of your baby will bring to your family.
Nurse often provides you with a nice burst of energy to go along with the drastic changes occur during pregnancy and the urge to prepare home for the important new comer. It puts you in control and gives you sense of accomplishment. But don't over do it. Women who are happy and pleased about their pregnancy often view it as biologic fulfillment and part their life plan. Pregnancy is a maturational crisis that can be stressful but rewarding as the women prepares for a new level of caring and responsibility.
Blee O'Myacin, BSN, RN
721 Posts
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Some people take pregnancy in stride, others feel like they swallowed a whale. Everyone is different.
177 Posts
I think pregnancy is a pleasure to know you have a human being growing inside you. No matter how much pain I was in during pregnancy I forgot as soon as my children were born. NOW...the stress comes later.. for instance when you are grocery shopping and your sweet little angel has a toddler temper tantrum in the store :)
i think pregnancy is a pleasure to know you have a human being growing inside you. no matter how much pain i was in during pregnancy i forgot as soon as my children were born. now...the stress comes later.. for instance when you are grocery shopping and your sweet little angel has a toddler temper tantrum in the store :)
i am najad just passed bsc nursing
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ur culture also influense it because here bond between mother and baby is too strong so the pain is displaced by plessure
20,964 Posts
How about both. Stress can be a positive experience, but still be stress. Pregnancy rates up there with marriage and other positive stressful experiences, I would think.
172 Posts
It's BOTH - just like parenthood!
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
For me, being pregnant was a pleasure. Even in the first trimester w/ the nausea and sore boobs, I felt like the Queen of England in a new hat every day.
1,350 Posts
UGH. STRESS. I'm preggies now and NOT enjoying the ride. I'm not one of those ladies who is all glowy and fawny about how wonderful it is to be pregnant. I HATE IT. I love my daughter, and I wouldn't trade her for anything, but I would have been really happy not having any more after she was born. This one is an ooopsie, but I'll love it just as much. Just not enjoying the pregnancy thing.
Smurfette752, BSN
133 Posts
I LOVED being pregnant!!!!!!