Is this possible???


Hi everyone!! This year will be my second yr. of college, and Im transferring to another school, unfortunately, I have to raise my GPA before I can enter the nursing program, but I have some pre-reqs to take to assist me with that:mad:. But anywho, Im interested in the ASN program and my pre-reqs include A&P 1 and 2, Micro, and English and a Math. I already have my math and english courses from my first year(hopefully they will transfer);), so I was thinking that I could try taking A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all at the same time, a total of 12 hrs. Do you think this is possible?? :(I've heard how hard A&P was so what do you suggest?? I would like to finish my pre-reqs for fast entrance into the program...I've already wasted a year:uhoh3:

Hi everyone!! This year will be my second yr. of college, and Im transferring to another school, unfortunately, I have to raise my GPA before I can enter the nursing program, but I have some pre-reqs to take to assist me with that:mad:. But anywho, Im interested in the ASN program and my pre-reqs include A&P 1 and 2, Micro, and English and a Math. I already have my math and english courses from my first year(hopefully they will transfer);), so I was thinking that I could try taking A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all at the same time, a total of 12 hrs. Do you think this is possible?? :(I've heard how hard A&P was so what do you suggest?? I would like to finish my pre-reqs for fast entrance into the program...I've already wasted a year:uhoh3:

Possible? Yes. Would I recommend doing it? No way. A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all require a lot of studying to do well, and to take all 3 in the same semester is just setting yourself up for not spectacular grades...unless, that is, you are a naturally brilliant student (there are those out there....I'm just not one of them). I made A's in all of those classes, but I didn't take them at the same time, and I put in lots and lots of studying. And, as competitive as nursing school is, getting really good grades is important. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Specializes in med surg home care PEDS.

Do not do this, these are heavy courses. If your school is anything like mine (BCC) they use AP1 as a quide for admission to the nursing program and the higher your grade the better. As a matter of fact at any of the CUNY schools they won't allow you to take AP1 &AP2 at the same time.

Good luck

Specializes in Emergency.

They probably won't let you take A&P I&II together. I did take A&P II and micro together, but it was HARD. My advice is this: you are young, and have plenty of time to get through school. Take it slow, and get the grades you need to get into nursing school.

Specializes in Neuro.

At my school, you can't take A&P I and II together. A&P I is a pre req to number II. You can however take Micro together with either one, although it isn't recommended. I took it with A&P II, and along with Psych, they about did me in!! If you are going to double up your sciences, I would definitely take Micro with A&P I. Good luck~

Are you certain that you can take A&P 2 before taking A&P 1? Usually sequential courses like this must be taken in order. At any rate, you are asking for trouble taking this many difficult courses at one time. You would be putting yourself in the position of possibly lowering your GPA and putting yourself out of the competition to gain admission to nursing school. Far better to take the science courses one at a time and maximize your chances of pulling an A in each course. And in the end, only you know what your capabilities are, and what you are willing to devote yourself to. What are you going to do if all 3 classes have an exam or major assignment or paper due on the same day or within a day of each other? Entirely possible. Good luck.

Hi everyone!! This year will be my second yr. of college, and Im transferring to another school, unfortunately, I have to raise my GPA before I can enter the nursing program, but I have some pre-reqs to take to assist me with that:mad:. But anywho, Im interested in the ASN program and my pre-reqs include A&P 1 and 2, Micro, and English and a Math. I already have my math and english courses from my first year(hopefully they will transfer);), so I was thinking that I could try taking A&P 1 and 2 and Micro all at the same time, a total of 12 hrs. Do you think this is possible?? :(I've heard how hard A&P was so what do you suggest?? I would like to finish my pre-reqs for fast entrance into the program...I've already wasted a year:uhoh3:

At my school you can't take A&P2 unless you have passed A&P1 with a C or better.

A&P and Micro are very demanding classes and I wouldn't recommend taking them both together, not if your goal is to make A's.

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