Is it possible to successful in nursing school.....

Nursing Students General Students


It seems as though every nursing student I run into had about a 3.5 gpa and above in the prereqs before entering nursing school yet every now and then I meet someone who is applying to nursing school with on a 2.5-2.7 gpa. I always want to ask them how do they expect to survive nursing school with an average knowledge of the basis of their field. Did anyone on here have or know someone who had just an average gpa before entering nursing school, and if so, how are you/they doing so far?

I had a low 2.x with my EE degree (graduated in 1984). As a focused older adult, my pre-reqs had a 3.75 but the overall was still 2.7. :uhoh3: I am finishing my first term......FT NS and FT work +OT.....and I will have 1A and HESI for this semester was 987... so I think I am doing quite fine! :yeah:

BTW, Ultimately, ANYTHING is possible if you want it bad enough!

Specializes in CVICU/ER.

Seriously, the key is to not memorize, it is to LEARN the material. A lot of people can memorize facts, but applying them and putting them together, much like a puzzle, sets people apart in NS.

ummm... i agree with daytonite..... go ask some of the RNs out there. there are millions of nurses out there that passed nursing school with low GPAs. we're not exactly the brighest group of people around, i'm afraid to say.

It seems as though every nursing student I run into had about a 3.5 gpa and above in the prereqs before entering nursing school yet every now and then I meet someone who is applying to nursing school with on a 2.5-2.7 gpa. I always want to ask them how do they expect to survive nursing school with an average knowledge of the basis of their field. Did anyone on here have or know someone who had just an average gpa before entering nursing school, and if so, how are you/they doing so far?

They could just have been slackers like me until they decided to get serious about school. I graduated with a 2.7ish and it was a mix of As and Fs. Seriously. Even with straight As in my prereqs, my GPA has just broken 3.0. I'm only a couple of weeks into school, but I'm doing fabulously. I take pride in my recent GPA record, but I also realize that I'm not any smarter than I was when I was failing classes (other than being smart enough to know that going to class and doing the homework is a good thing).

It is possible and very possible if you aren't working and have the time to read every darn thing. :smokin: Lol

Seriously it is possible. Depends on what you define as successful. Those critical thinking, nclex questions can make it tough. Good luck. Just do the best you can and get through. Not everyone can, just remember that.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
It seems as though every nursing student I run into had about a 3.5 gpa and above in the prereqs before entering nursing school yet every now and then I meet someone who is applying to nursing school with on a 2.5-2.7 gpa. I always want to ask them how do they expect to survive nursing school with an average knowledge of the basis of their field. Did anyone on here have or know someone who had just an average gpa before entering nursing school, and if so, how are you/they doing so far?

I didn't have a great GPA coming in, I didn't do well on Science classes and transferring over from a different college to a new grade system it lowered my GPA. I believe I have a 2.55 on Pre Req classes, I took Patho and a 3 credit nutrition class before starting nursing school and it brought my GPA up to like a 2.9 I got a C in Patho which is a 2.0 although in my old school it would have been a 2.9 because I was 0.06 % shy of the B. and I got a 4.0 in the nutrition.

We are rounding out the last 1/3 of nursing school now and I am doing very well. Better then some of my classmates that came in with a 3.8 and 3.9 GPA. So far I am really rocking nursing school. So what the GPA was before doesn't mean a whole lot as long as it was passing. I could go on and on about why I did poorly on my pre reqs (well only the science ones I did well on everything else) but it doesn't matter. I got into nursing school and am doing great! I will for sure be getting a B in my 9 Credit fundamentals class and possibly an A (have one more exam and a final and a multi cultural project still) and an A in Dosage Calculations and a B or A in Pharm. That will help my GPA a lot but the Fundamentals will be the greatest help because of how many credits it is.

Nursing is a whole new ball game, a new method of grades, of exams, of knowledge.

I am one of those students that LOVES the nursing exams, I sit there and think FINALLY tests I can relate to and have to think on that isn't just memorizing a whole bunch of stuff.

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