Is 28 too old to become a travel nurse?

Specialties Travel


I'm about to turn 28 years old, I'm very single, and I have a huge passion for travel. I've been feeling so antsy with my life and feel as though I've been a bit stagnant. I've been a med/surg/GI nurse for about a year and three months and, though I still don't have much experience, I think I have just enough to be more comfortable with different placements.

On the other hand, I still want to find a life partner and have kids at some point... I'm just afraid that 28 is getting a bit too old (for a woman) for travel nursing because I also want to pursue those things I mentioned above.

Any thoughts? Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Specializes in ICU.
Hell, yes. You are ancient. I'm surprised someone of your advanced age is even contemplating new adventures

if shes not carefull, 35 will kick her in the rear before she knows it and she will be deemed "advanced maternal age". Lord, then what!?

Specializes in ICU.
Yes!! People in my part (conservative West Michigan) get married in their early twenties and are having babies by my age (or younger). In fact, I'm an odd ball in that I haven't married or had kids yet.

So, this is likely the reason why I feel the way I do.

Ok this makes a bit more sense then. My eyes are still rolling out of my head but I see the perspective now.

Ok, seriously go travel. Right now. I have a feeling you havent traveled far from your upbringing yet. You dont know that there is so much more adventure out there than getting married and pregnant. You are not an odd ball. I was 26 when I started traveling. I was engaged, we bought a house planning kids, etc. Same kind of thing, most people I knew, that was just what they did, lots of farm town, small comunities. But I suddenly (not suddenly, it just creeped up on me) had a change of heart. Ended that all and just up and went travel nursing. Im now 33. Travel nursed a bunch. Traveled for fun a bunch. I met my current SO 4 years ago. We both live in a state that we arent from currently. We now have plans to get married and planning the idea of making a human being in the near 33, so I do have time, but much less than you but I still dont feel like I have 1 foot in the grave. We are also planning on moving to a new state just for something new.

When I was 26 and newly single, and traveling with no clear prospects on the horizon, I never would have thought id be where I am now. Never in a million years. Go travel and see where life takes you!

Specializes in Surgery.

You have 10+ years to play with-Travel nurse! You will never regret it. Now in my 40's and married with kids I still daydream about my stints in Hawaii...

Thank you SmilingBluEyes for your comment.

I am 52 and just started Nursing School.

Good to know! 😊

Specializes in High-risk OB, Labor & Delivery.

You're wise to take into account your childbearing years and desire to settle down and get married as you contemplate travel nursing. I am a 33 year old Labor and Delivery travel nurse and I have never been married and I have no children and I would like both. I started travel nursing this year and as soon as I left my town I met someone special from my hometown! It's hard because now I'm trying to find day-shift travel jobs near him so I can nurture our relationship. Long-distance is tough, but not impossible. If you meet someone promising during your travel adventure like I did you can extend your assignment at the hospital, look for other contracts in the surrounding area, or work per diem near him (which is what I'm doing). It can be tricky, but the right guy will be supportive of your travel career. If you're concerned about declining fertility as you get older and the quality of your ovum as you age, I would recommend banking your eggs (if that is affordable for you). Lots of my older friends have done that. Bottom-line: you're not too old, you have options, choose wisely, and live with no regrets.

I think you should dig deep down and think about what you really want. I agree with you about the child bearing thing. I see many people on here saying you have plenty of time. You may but then again you may not. I am almost 34 and have had trouble for more than two years. Granted, every woman is different and there are medical advancements but it's something to think about. Also, my marriage fell apart because of it. So figure out what you want and go for it.

Specializes in NICU, Postpartum.

Lady! I feel you! I didn't feel comfortable enough to become a travel nurse myself (2 years of OB - high and normal risk ante/postpartum, newborn nursery), so instead I moved to a different state! The change has been really invigorating! But yes, I feel you on the being 28 and worried about cultivating your future - which is part of why I moved. I will tell you, my friend decided to start travel nursing at 27 and she found her serious boyfriend whilst traveling. I guess love finds you at unexpected times and it knows no boundaries. Good luck, not all who wander are lost :)

What if you meet your soulmate through your travels???

Just kidding.

Live the life you want to live. Don't miss out on adventures for a person who isn't even in your life.

Seriously it can happen! 2 nurses I trained went travel nursing and met their loves. They both have been travel nursing for 3 years. One just got married, the other us in a serious relationship. Both were mid twenties when they started traveling.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Yes!! People in my part (conservative West Michigan) get married in their early twenties and are having babies by my age (or younger). In fact, I'm an odd ball in that I haven't married or had kids yet.

So, this is likely the reason why I feel the way I do.

Then you REALLY need to explore the world a bit. I'm always baffled by the people who wanna be married with kids before 25, there is so much fun to be had!

What if ur potential s/o is someone you meet on a travel assignment? My bff's was. (Oh & she started travel RN at 35yo).

Specializes in NICU.

You are definitely not too old to travel, but may want to consider more experience under your belt as a staff nurse. Travel nursing is a great opportunity, but you will be expected to know what you may not know yet(especially if the unit is super busy or there more new grads than experienced nurses)..1-2 days of unit orientation on a travel assignment cannot replace the experiences you get in a stable staff position.

Good luck to you!

Freeze your eggs and go for it travelling!

Specializes in tele, med/surg, step down.

My parents were both in their forties when I was born...and I was their only child. Sure, the millennial generation is waiting longer to have children but 28 is not even close to the age you should think about having children. Make a plan- travel nurse by age 30 and do that for a couple of years... by age 34 if you're still very single and childless, settle down. You'll have a nice nest egg and I bet you'll even have some of your children's college fund saved away.

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