I am a new nurse, have been at my job a couple of months.
When I first started out, I was pretty nervous and was not that comfortable talking with the patients. Now that I've been there a while I am really comfortable and relaxed with talking to them. I want to make sure that I am professional in everything I say, and don't get "too relaxed."
The thing is, I really enjoy all my patients, and when I discharge them I am hoping that things will go well for them. I'm not sure if I should express that or not.
So I need your guidance and feedback on the following:
1) Is it ok (When discharging) to say something like "I hope everything goes well for you" or "Best wishes to you" ? I'm expressing what I feel, but I don't know if it's professional to say that or not.
2) Is it ok to say something like "I enjoyed working with you" . I guess I have the urge to say it because I really do enjoy working with all my patients, even the angry ones, because it seems you can always see the good in them and understand they have a reason to be angry. But again, I don't want to say it if it's unprofessional.
So what do you all think? Thanks in advance.