Is there a nursing shortage?


Is there in fact a nursing shortage? If so please tell me where. I know respite work is important ... but I'd feel more comfortable knowing if this is a truth ...

Specializes in ER, ICU.

If you ask a journalist, yes, ask a nurse, no.

Specializes in Telemetry & PCU.

not so much a nursing shortage as much as an experienced nurse shortage. also pre-2007-2008 the shortage was predicted due to the average age of a nurse was 48-50 years old. what they didn't reckon on was the economy.

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

I found this to be a good article:

"I've come across comments on various nursing websites highlighting difficulties for new grads finding jobs and thought some economic perspective might be helpful.

First, as you can see below, the RN unemployment rate is very low, somewhere below 2%, which is quite remarkable. Looking forward, the demand for RN's will continue to grow at an average 2.2% per year, with supply of RN's short of demand through 2018..."

I was told that TX is in need of nurses. Does anyone know if this is true?

TIA, God bless. :)

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
If you ask a journalist, yes, ask a nurse, no.

Pretty accurate IMHO.

Specializes in ICU.
I was told that TX is in need of nurses. Does anyone know if this is true?

TIA, God bless. :)

I'm down in Tx but I'm not sure if we have a shortage of nurses. I'll be a new grad in 2012 and it seems most of the students who have recently graduated are having a tough time finding a job. If you got the experience though, it's a whole 'nother ball game.

Thank you Commonsense. :)

Suppostly it isi but in fact I do not think. I am over three months looking for job, over 200 applications and not even an interview... shortage for experienced nurses but for the rest of us NOT!

Specializes in ED, OR, Oncology.

I think there are plenty of areas where there is a shortage, at least in the west. There are so many nursing programs in highly populated areas that those get flooded constantly. Look rural, find a spot where there is only one program within a hundred miles, and jobs are plentiful.

I worked a half a year as an LPN due to moving. Back for my last year now, and I get a job offer at every clinical site- Both for full time work after graduation, and also offering me hours as an LPN.



Thanks for the article MrChicagoRN! I will be a new grad in December (worried about by job prospects) and that article has a very interesting spin on the current job market.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Nursing shortage: per my Manager NO.. per the lack of qualified interviews and implementation of the the sign on bonus.. MUST BE!

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