Is NovaPro any good?


Does anyone know anything about NovaPro Staffing? They have been calling me. But, they seem like a smaller company because I have not heard very much about them. Any information would be helpful! Thanks.

Never heard of them.........sorry.

Samer here, never heard of em.

Does anyone know anything about NovaPro Staffing? They have been calling me. But, they seem like a smaller company because I have not heard very much about them. Any information would be helpful! Thanks.

Novapro is owned by CCTC. I worked for them a few years back, recruiters name was Sheila. The pay was low, Sheila was a liar, they do not support their staff, and I would never work for them again. There is much better out there!

Specializes in L&D/MB/LDRP.

I had a recruiter there, CCTC bought them out but let them keep doing their own thing. The turn off for me was my recruiter sent me to places that I never agreed to have my profile sent to. So i would get these calls from hospitals for interviews that I had no clue about.

I had a recruiter there, CCTC bought them out but let them keep doing their own thing. The turn off for me was my recruiter sent me to places that I never agreed to have my profile sent to. So i would get these calls from hospitals for interviews that I had no clue about.

Yeah, that's true - been there and done that. It really ticked me off. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones that do that.

Yes! I have been with them for 6 mos. I've referred a friend, and I'm about to take a 26wkr. My recruiter is Kristen Ricci and she is fabulous. And she has paid me better than any other agency offered for the same positions every time. They say it's all in the recruiter and I believe it.

Yes! I have been with them for 6 mos. I've referred a friend, and I'm about to take a 26wkr. My recruiter is Kristen Ricci and she is fabulous. And she has paid me better than any other agency offered for the same positions every time. They say it's all in the recruiter and I believe it.

Thanks for the info.

Yes! I have been with them for 6 mos. I've referred a friend, and I'm about to take a 26wkr. My recruiter is Kristen Ricci and she is fabulous. And she has paid me better than any other agency offered for the same positions every time. They say it's all in the recruiter and I believe it.

I was in the negotiation process with Kristen a while back and something came up family wise and had to delay the travel assignment. Thought Kristen was a great recruiter and responded promptly... however now that I am back in the game and looking again, I sadly found out that kristen is no longer a recruiter. Not sure what I think of the new one yet.

I am with them also. My recruiter's name is Megan. So far they have been good to me. Also yes they are a cross country company.

I've been with NovaPro for almost a year now and have had a pretty good experience. I've gotten placed with jobs at Yale and Cedars-Sinai, among others. Something you should know is that the pay rate will be less than with other companies because they participate in the Tax Advantage program. Kristen was great, but she is no longer with NovaPro. Her replacement, Megan, has been very supportive. I would definitely recommend Megan as a recruiter. I have heard good and bad things about every company out there. I would go with who you have a connection with recruiter-wise or get a recommondation for a specific recruiter from another traveler who had a good experience. That's how I ended up with Kristen at NovaPro in the first place! Hope that helps. :)

Specializes in labor and delivery.
Novapro is owned by CCTC. I worked for them a few years back, recruiters name was Sheila. The pay was low, Sheila was a liar, they do not support their staff, and I would never work for them again. There is much better out there!

What did Sheila lie to you about? I haven worked with them, but Sheila has called me several times to try to get me to work with them.

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