Is it too late


I did two years of studies in accounting and took a break from school. Now i'm looking to go back but i've considered changing my major to nursing. I Just turn 26 and was wondering if it's too late to consider a change to such a demanding field. I want to go all the way to specialize in Obstetrician/Gyneacology. Any advice will be welcome and appreciated. I love math, love some scince, but i'm fascinated with the woman's body and babies. Should i start in the next year or two, roughly how long will it take to complete considering i'm committed to it?

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

Too late?? and you're 26????? Hardly!

As others have said on this board, it's only too late when you're dead.

I agree. It is never, ever to late to go after a dream!! I am 25 and just getting started. GO FOR IT!!!!!

Even if you are just thinking about going into nursing, APPLY NOW! I don't know where you live but the waitlists state-wide in Colorado are 2+ years. Get the pre-requisites done and you can always change your mind later. I say, GO FOR IT! I'm 25 and will be starting in January after 2 years waiting. I'm acutally a minority, believe it or not; most of my classmates are in their 30's and 40's. Lots of people are considering nursing as a second career choice. Good luck to you!

Wow I was feeling the same way, I just turned 26 and I have 2 kids. I was thinking it's going to take me forever, but I have to do it.

Good Luck!!

I did two years of studies in accounting and took a break from school. Now i'm looking to go back but i've considered changing my major to nursing. I Just turn 26 and was wondering if it's too late to consider a change to such a demanding field. I want to go all the way to specialize in Obstetrician/Gyneacology. Any advice will be welcome and appreciated. I love math, love some scince, but i'm fascinated with the woman's body and babies. Should i start in the next year or two, roughly how long will it take to complete considering i'm committed to it?

34 years young, 2 teens, hubby, and RN school. I LOVE IT. You are ONLY AS OLD as you let yourself be. GO FOR IT>

I'm 29 and hoping to start the actual nursing portion in January. By the time I graduate, I will be 33. You are not too old, not even close! If it is something you want, go for it. Otherwise you will always wonder what might have been. Think about it this way, the time will pass whether you go for your dream or not, right? ;) Might as well go for it! :D


Wow you make me feel old. I just started today on my first day of Nursing school. I am 39 (almost 40) and the program is 3 years. I wish I had gone after my dreams earlier. I started on pre reqs in 2003 (I worked full time so only took a couple of classes at night. As a result I finished my last pre-req in May) This slow and steady pace allowed me to have a really high gpa which was really important when I applied to schools considering that in both schools I applied to there is only about a 10% acceptance rate. Usually about a 1000 applications and only about 100 slots. I am glad that I waited until my son is older. In my class there are people trying to juggle young children, work and school and it is incredibly difficult. At times I found juggling a full time job, school and being a mom of a teenager challenging. So, no its not too late. Just make arrangements to find out what the Nursing schools you are applying to have as pre reqs and knock them out very methodically.

Thanks for your don't know how helpful you have all been...I'm going to go for it as soon as i can start. I have a 3yrs old boy and a 1 yr girl boy so i'm thinking maybe i'll go slow for now...just a few classes to start off with, but i'm definitely going for it...Thanks so much and more encouragments are still welcome.

Will be starting nursing school when I am 50... :uhoh3:

No way! It is not too late. I am the same age as you and I will be returning to school in the spring to take everything including math, english and all the sciences. It can be done, don't let anyone stop you.:nono:

BTW our kids are the same age!!!! So we will both have our hands full. They'll be many late nights for us

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