Is it impossible to get a nursing job without vaccines?


I am interested in changing my career to RN but, I am not interested in getting all the vaccines. I will be filing the Gov. exempt form but, I don't know if my choice to refuse the vaccines will effect my chances of getting a job in this field.

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I am interested in changing my career to RN but, I am not interested in getting all the vaccines. I will be filing the Gov. exempt form but, I don't know if my choice to refuse the vaccines will effect my chances of getting a job in this field.

yes, I think it is mandatory to have these...For your safety and the safety of the patients you're caring for. I could be wrong..

There are several you can do titers for, and if you're already immune, that is acceptable, but there are definitely a few that you probably can't or at least are going to have a very hard time getting around.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

there are hundreds of diseases, but only a few deadly ones have been selected to have vaccines. Risking your own life is one thing, but risking others is something else. The risk management officer may have reservations about taking that risk. However, your state laws may allow it. Just have to talk to someone who really knows.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

For your own safety, related to blood exposure, you will WANT to have the hepatitis B series.

If you are deadset against all vaccines, it might be easier to choose something different.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

You're putting the cart in front of the horse... the nursing schools with which I'm familiar all require the vaccinations, in part because the clinical sites require them of the students coming to the facilities.

More and more employers are requiring them of their hires and employees and there is no shortage of people who are willing to get them.

My hospital does not mandate any vaccinations. They do draw titers for hep B, and the hep B, pneumonia, and annual flu vaccines are offered and encouraged. They are not required. No place I have worked (a doc office/birth center, a nursing home, and a hospital) have required them.

However, I believe my nursing school required certain vaccinations. As I am vaccinated or have measured immunity, I didn't pay attention to the details. I think it will depend upon your state's legislation on mandatory vaccines and whether your school is a state funded facility. In my state you may only claim religious or medical exemptions, philosophical are not accepted.

I know there are people who are practicing nurses who have health conditions or allergies that preclude vaccination. It is possible to become a nurse and to practice as a nurse without vaccines, but it will probably be a logistical nightmare in terms of paperwork and appeals.

Edited to add: my assumption is that you are in the US. If you aren't, I have no idea, and your question may be better answered on the international nursing boards.

Specializes in OR,Trauma, school clinic.

I wanna know why you aren't vaccinated, and wanting to enter a profession where we promote healthy living- and eradicating disease?!?!

I wanna know why you aren't vaccinated, and wanting to enter a profession where we promote healthy living- and eradicating disease?!?!

There are several cultural and religious groups that do not vaccinate, or do not subscribe to some generally accepted medical treatment (receiving blood, for example). It does not mean that members of these groups are not allowed to become nurses, or that they do not have the potential to be excellent nurses.

How many fat nurses do we have? Smokers? People who don't exercise? Don't eat veggies? Are these people also not allowed to become nurses, because they are not living the pure, health promoting lifestyle?

Vaccines of any kind, are never "required" by law.

You are legally able to and can refuse any and all vaccines.

I think it depends on your workplace. At my workplace, if there is an outbreak of a disease such as measles or the flu, and you are not vaccinated, you cannot report for work. You are not eligible for reimbursement for money lost due to being off of work.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Though there are no national laws re: vaccines, places of employment have more leeway.

I have worked several places, several states and even overseas in the military and I do not get vaccines either unless I live in a place where a disease ie swamp fever, dengue, etc are endemic.

Let's keep this on topic please.

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