Is it ever ok to quit without notice?


Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

I finally got to my breaking point today and told my office manager I quit. She asked for 2 weeks, but, as she has stooped to supervising my bathroom visits, accusing me of lying, of playing on my phone instead of seeing patients, and pretty much made life unbearable, I don't think I can physically or mentally stand it. I have a job lined up and don't need a reference from her.

I feel if I give the 2 weeks, she will do anything and everything to make it hell on me. She's gone more than she's there, but she knew she had pushed me too far this afternoon when I told her I was done. She made it a point to return to the clinic and ask for a notice. The entire conversation prior to her return was via text message.

I'm done. I'm just DONE!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Wow! Always so much drama! If you have already quit, I guess I wonder about the job choices you continually make? Each new job seems to come with so many problems for you. I would ask myself if this next job is going to be any better?

how many APN jobs have you had?

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Trauma, this is the SAME job! The same one I posted about last year. I stuck it out till now!

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Bathroom supervision? Nuts! However, if you quit without notice you better be prepared to explain that to every single potential future employer down the road.

Specializes in Emergency.

In general I agree, a 4 wk notice would be a minimum in most cases. Since you already have another job, and because I've seen the history in your posts, I'm not sure that this case isn't a special case where quitting on the spot is not appropriate.

I have to applaud you for putting up with it for this long AngelfireRN, the stories you tell in your prior posts are horrific. Hopefully your new job will work out much better.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Well, after sleeping on it, I decided to work the rest of the week and next week, to complete the pay period. That way, they get a notice, and I don't come out looking so bad.

i have to admit, I hope they don't accept it. It would make my life so much easier.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

You can only hope! I would tell her you are peeing alone. Sheesh.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Ok, now that I have ten seconds together...

Since the last time I posted, I have been looking for new employment. The one thing that kept me from walking was my patients, and I have not slept well nor has my stomach been settled in two days because I truly did not want to leave them again.

In the intervening time, Doc has been quite ill and new people have been recruited, so that the clinic can stay open. The office manager, who is Doc's DD, has been made partner. The Doc's DS has been relegated to the kitchen after he had yet another meltdown in full view of patients and children. All over having to answer the telephone. Every curse in the book was used and no matter what was said to him, he kept going. I texted the OM, who was not here, as she never is anymore, and was told that she 'didn't have time to deal with him, to just close the door where no one could hear'. Trouble was, he was in the front window and there was no door to close.

Now, had anyone else pulled a stunt like that, our butts would have been fired so fast you'd not have seen the flames. This was brought up to OM in our meeting yesterday and responded to with, "He's family. He only does it every once in a while. They're not going to fire him. It's been handled." Now he is not made to answer phones and it all falls to our poor receptionist, who is also responsible for calling in scripts.

I also take exception to the fact that we are now being required to peddle whatever device or compound the company OM's DH works for is currently marketing. From braces to injectables to topicals. If they have X insurance, they are required to take it. I've been told that if they don't, I am to withhold their controlled substances until they capitulate. I have refused, but am documenting in such a way as to not make that obvious. I know for a fact that its not ethical, and I'm pretty sure it violates Stark law. I feel for the fact that they have no money, but it's not the patient's responsibility to support them. I like OM's DH, but I don't like this state of affairs.

OM accused me of lying yesterday, stated that "she could SEE that I was on Facebook because my light was green". I was running my hiney off seeing 30 patients and barely had time to pee, yet I'm having to take time out to look at my phone because she was blowing it up with text messages. I've saved them because a colleague thinks I may have a case for harassment. There were about 20-25 over a half hour window. Let me be clear...I was not at any time yesterday afternoon on Facebook, but I did not close out the app on my tablet after lunch, and thus the green light. But this control freak was monitoring my bathroom time and had the gall to say that the light "went active when you went in and inactive when you came out". I even showed her my phone to PROVE IT WAS NOT CONNECTED TO FB.

She informed us that we would be required to leave our phones on her desk or in her purse if things didn't improve. I told her in a hot second that the first time she expected me to hand over my phone would be the last day I worked for her. I am not a child and I am doing nothing wrong. I need the apps on my phone for practice and use them in rooms. Not to mention the fact that hers is an extension of her ear, so never mind the hypocrisy.

I used to vent here and just let it roll. And it got marginally better for a while. Then all this happened. Now she's pulling charts and telling me that she 'has to check up on me'. Nothing has been found, nothing will. Doc writes a sentence or two on his notes, I write a novel. He hates it, but it's saving my butt with her. Meanwhile, my referrals are ignored, my records requests not done, and that's perfectly fine.

I am scared to death. I won't lie. I can totally see her and her little cohort sitting in their office just looking for reasons to report something. But she must be a bit paranoid too, because she made the comment that, "If you report us, you'll go down too." Out of the blue, apropos of absolutely nothing. Sure I could report, but I won't. Not worth it.

And thus, my departure. I hope my replacement can run like the wind and has a healthy tolerance for bull.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

They put the dys in dysfunctional LOL! I wouldn't be cool with peddling that stuff or the rest of the BS. You will be well out of there!

Specializes in Internal medicine/critical care/FP.

this doesn't sound realistic. since when do office managers have that much power? Never seen this in the many clinics I've visited, done clinicals in, or worked at lol.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Since their dad is the Doc and unaware of how things go down. She runs roughshod and he says his staff is highly trained and is to be obeyed.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

I assure you, it's real. I could not make this up. She refused to accept my notice and has shut the clinic down rather than accepting the time I was willing to work. And she's spreading it all over Facebook and now has the rest of the clinic poisoned against me.

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