Hi,, I really need some sound advice and help!! I am 41 years young and have always dreamed of becoming a nurse. I have wanted to go to nursing school now since my children were toddlers. They are now 20 and 22 years old. I have lived with Fibromyalgia now for atleast the past 15 years and finally got my life back 4 years ago when I was treated by a wonderfull doctor who also has Fibro himself. In the very beginning we tried several different medications, anti-inflamatories, muscle relaxers. Nothing relieved my pain, and the majority of medications made me very depressed and suicidal, He eventially prescribed me the pain killer, Vicodin. Over these last y4 ears of taking this narcotic, I finally actually feel like a normal human being now. When you are in sooo much pain 24 hours, 7 days a week, it takes so much out of you, you feel like you are just struggeling to survive to get through the days. This is my question that I need help with. If I go to nursing school and make my dreams come true, will it all be just a waist?? What are the chances of getting hired by a hospital, doctors office, ect. if they know that I take a prescribed narcotic daily for my fibromyalgia pain. I am so afraid that I am going to spend all this time and money to finally make my dream come true of becoming a nurse, and in the end, it will all be for nothing because of this stupid pain pill that I take daily. I have thought about just to stop taking vicodin when I get myself thru school and graduate, by what if in the end I do that and then can't work because I hurt so bad??? It will all just be for nothing, not to mention my dream will be shot. Can anybody truly give me an answer or tell me where I can find out.