The current approach to pain control has been to believe the pt's self report of pain no matter what. Is this creating drug dependency, and or addiction, in emotionallly susceptible people? Should we be concerned? Is there going to be a backlash to what has been a more liberal policy towards pain relief in the past 20 years.
I bring this up for a few reasons. For one thing, our hospital let go one well liked doctor, the reason we heard being that she was catering to the drug-seeking community with too many prescriptions. We were all aware of her liberal attitude on this and that she was a soft touch in that dept, but when she was apparently suddenly fired, it was a shock.
The hospital clinic does happen to attract more of the misfit population btw. It's a small town, and there aren't too many docs that take new pts. The clinic tends to get more of the riff raff, if you'll pardon me using that term.
Then, our weekend hospitalist got paranoid. He actually told a nurse who called him for pain meds that he didn't want to be fired like Dr So and So was. I also noticed that he was being reluctent to give narcotic orders when I called him.
I was reading the new ANA magazine an article titled Improving Pain Management. It takes the approach of believe the pt no matter what, don't allow people to be in pain. One thing the article condemns is the use of placebos.
I haven't seen placebos used myself, but I personally think they might have a place with a certain type of pt. The reality of the situation is that there ARE drug seekers who are good at manipulating the system. Any nurse who doesn't see that in some people must have his/her blinders on, in my opinion.
So, how do we address that reality without punishing the many people who truly are in pain? Sometimes I think the whole pain control industry is a self-perpetuating machine, and a classic case of the fox minding the henhouse. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to go back to the old days when pts were expected to grin and bear it for fear they'd all end up druggies.
Any thoughts?