Published Sep 18, 2010
17 Posts
This is my first year of nursing school, and I'm right out of high school. I'm totally stressing because I'm taking Fundamentals of Nursing, Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations, and Nursing Skills and Techniques. All my tests I keep getting 70%'s on. I've studied soooo much. I have nursing information coming out of my ears. Actually, in Fundamentals I got a 70%, 70%, and then today we took a test and I got a 72%. And in Pharm/Dosage Calc. I got a 60% and then on my second test a 74%. We have to make a test average in each class of a 76% or better. I'm just curious as to if this is common for the first few tests to be this bad, or if I'm just not good at Nursing School and need to change my major. I've prayed and prayed about it, and I keep feeling like I need to try a little harder that it will work out in the end.
Here's my studying ways:
Look through the chapter, print off powerpoints, do workbook pages, make note cards, study the note cards and workbook pages, then do the practice tests on Evolve and the CD that comes with my book.
Maybe someone can give me a little advice on studying??
And when I study, sometimes I get distracted: cell phone, tv, facebook =) ....the normal teenage distractions....
Any help would be appreciated.
139 Posts
You need to turn off your cell phone, and spend some quality time in the library, EVERY DAY. I found that if I try to study at home I find too many other things to do. If I go to the library I get so much more done. You might try purchasing the Test Success for Beginning Nursing Students book for study tips.
267 Posts
Read the whole chapter, don't just "look through" it. Get some supplemental study material. There are lots of books out there, and I highly recommend "Fundamentals Success". It's a book about test taking skills and has lots of practice questions. There are also books called "made incredibly easy" or "made incredibly visual" for different nursing topics and they are great too.
12 Posts
I'd suggest using the website for your notecards. On the website you can make notecards and it will make tests for you and you can play games, as well.
Also, if you have an iphone, ipad, or ipod touch, or a phone that downloads apps, you can download an app (T Cards for iphone and ipod touch) where it will take the notecards from quizlet and download them to your iphone/ipod touch/phone/ ipod touch.
Don't put so much pressure on will psyche yourself out.
Do your very best...thats all anybody can ask.
NamasteNurse, BSN, RN
680 Posts
wow I cannot imagine doing nursing school as a teenager, but I know lots of people do it. I agree with the others, you cannot have "the usual teenage distractions! No way and you have to bring up your grades or you're gonna get kicked out soon. Study away from the computer, turn off phone, music and tv. I don't think you need any extra books, you need to spend time, about 4-6 hours a day studying! Read the chapter with the highlighter in your hand. Take notes, go over the powerpoint and look up any unfamiliar words. Do vocabulary. You have to take this seriously or forget it. No or very little social life while in nursing school. You either want it or you don't. You don't need to stress, if you are confident that you know the material, no stress. Good luck.
199 Posts
....the normal teenage distractions....
Sorry, but it sounds like you need to get a grip. If you are not ready to sit down, actually read your texts, you are going to have a tough time.
Keep in mind that just doing homework and really studying are not the same.
Printing off power points and making note cards help if you understand the material and can apply the information.
70% is not passing where I go to school. If this is the case in your first semester, it isn't going to get easier.
Put away the distractions sooner, rather than later. You may have undeveloped study skills. Explore with an instructor/professor before giving up.
952 Posts
As someone much closer to your age than most on this board (I'm 19, 20 at the end of October) who is in nursing school, but within a program that's at a 4 year college, I can completely understand the "normal teenage distractions," and I feel for you on that. My friends will often want to hang out and be out doing stuff late at night, but I have early class and reading and studying to do, so I have to make the choice to not hang out with them very often.
I'm not really sure how to help you with the studying thing...I like nursing tests because I find the style easier (application rather than regurgitation). Definitely do your reading, read over your notes, do the questions at the end of each chapter, and if your book doesn't provide rationales for the answers which I know mine doesn't, try to rationalize them yourself.
When you study, make goals for yourself like to read through x amount of your notes then you can take a Facebook break etc.
If you ever need anyone who is more on the same level as you, feel free to PM me!
@SingDanceRunLife, I'm glad someone can relate to me! I'm on the verge of a breakdown already! =) I'm not quite sure what PM is....I'm kind of new to allnurses.
And to everyone else, thanks for trying to help...I was more along the lines of looking for encouragement...I mean, I do just sit and "study" and check facebook every 5 minutes, and I'm not constantly texting. I tell my friends that I'm doing homework. i do not think that I worded the "teenage distractions" correctly. I mean, sometimes when I'm studying I get distracted by a text or a facebook alert. But, for the most part, I focus on what I'm studying.
I had a meeting with my teacher last week, she said what I'm doing is great, doing vocabulary, note cards, the workbook pages, and objectives and printing off the powerpoints and making notes on them during lecture. My problem is applying what I'm learning to nursing. I get the problems right in regards to vocabulary and stuff that's right out of the book. She told me when studying, to think "how does this apply to nursing? and "how will I use this in nursing?" I've been studying all weekend, I have a test on Friday, and I've been thinking "how will what I'm reading apply to nursing?" And, I think I'm doing better. I was just curious if anyone else made low test scores on their first nursing tests, and hoping to get a bit of advice on how others study. I started using quizlet, thanks enlightenedchild. That helped very much. If anyone else has any more ideas how to study besides note cards, and reading. And, I am aware that it takes a min. of 3 times reading something to "get it...." ( my teacher told me that).
I really do not want to hear anymore about the "teenage distractions," I was just being honest in saying that it does happen from time to time. (I am aware nursing school is top priority and that it comes first, but I'm sorry I am a teenager and it happens.) But, maybe that a was a mistake.....seems like more people commented on the teenage distractions than helping me with studying and telling me if it was common to get low scores on your first tests......
But, thanks for the help......
AZ911 and Haiku, I'll look into those books. thank you!!! =) Have a good week everyone! If anyone else has any suggestions (besides to comment on "teenage distractions") it would be appreciated!
I meant I DO NOT just sit and "study" while checking facebook every 5 mins.....sorry. =)
131 Posts
Do your textbooks come with access to The Point website? Mine do, and they have an access code on the inside cover to enter after you set up an account. They have the entire book online and you can take practice tests for each chapter. I've found that to be helpful.
53 Posts
Make sure you are retaining as you go. I find myself drifting off, lost in thought as I am studying after an hour or so, so I have to stop and do a few pushups or something, lol. My friend is a quarter in front of me and she always fails the first test until she gets used to the prof testing style, and always ends up passing fine. Good luck, sounds like you are really close to a break through!
6 Posts
try studying for about 20 minutes and then walk around, and go back to studying, as long as you are passing don't sweat the test grades, also might try recording the lectures, and listening to it in the car