I just want honest opinions on whether or not you would consider this to be cheating. Advice, suggestions, etc. welcome.
So it is obviously far from possible to offer classes one time for every student in the program to take together. The issue is is that there is always a class taking an exam before another class. The issue with that is that some teachers do not have the time to make multiple tests.
Some students have taken this opportunity to find out what the exam is like, and what is on the exam. Other students (not me) are giving students exact questions from the exam. Is this fair? Obviously the other classes are getting higher marks because they know what is on it, what EXACTLY to study, and EXACT questions.
In my eyes... this is cheating. This is Nursing school... not some underwater basket weaving 101 class. You need to know the material.. all of it, and you need to learn it and retain it to be able to apply it. If you are just getting the questions from the exam from a student who took the exam before hand, you are hurting yourself, and your potential future patients. This has just about ruined friendships for me because I'm not giving my "friends" the information they want for when they take the test. So now I'm only a friend when they want information.
Any input? I'm pretty fed up. I'm not jealous by any means. I work hard, and I get the grades I deserve. I've aced all exams to this date so far. I just get hounded by people.. "what was on the exam?" and I'm tired of it. I don't take an easy way out and I'm rather appalled that people in Nursing school would. I'm in Nursing school, stressed studying because I need to know this information and I'm expected to hand people an easy grade by telling them what was on the test instead of studying? Wth is wrong with people?!