Is there an app for that?

Nursing Students Western Governors


Just wondering if has a smartphone app. I thought I recalled one being mentioned but couldn't find anything when I searched!

Specializes in Critical Care, Dialysis, School Nursing.

Thanks skool - got it downloaded on my ipad...woohoo

I have an iPhone4S and I have trouble with the pocket app. I go to the my.wgu website on my safari browser and it works fine/better than the app for me. Your mileage may vary.

I have an iPhone4S and I have trouble with the pocket app. I go to the my.wgu website on my safari browser and it works fine/better than the app for me. Your mileage may vary.

Worked well on the ipad. I was able to toggle around in some classes, etc. It looks exactly the same as desktop/laptop. I just wish I could take it to work with me and use it there, but that's a big NO NO! Maybe when I do charge on nights in the fall for approx 6-8 wks...I might just take it then. No time on dayshift to even think about it, lol.

You can print things out from vitalsource and the courses if you think that would would work.

If you can, please let us know what kind of trouble you had with the PocketWGU app. We're always trying to make it better and will fix it if we can. Thanks!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Wow, that's awesome! I didn't know there was a app until this thread, and I just downloaded it. That's pretty nice!

I have a 4s, too. I didn't play with it a lot, but it seemed to work fine for me.

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