Is anyone's hospital following the new awhonn staffing guidelines?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Specializes in labor & delivery.

Just wondered. A nurse can dream.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

We are attempting to...key word being 'attempting'. It has made for some interesting staffing scenarios, but as a floor nurse it has made patient care SO much more doable the shifts that we actually follow it.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

Being from california we are already pretty close, but not following the guidelines to a "T"

Specializes in ICU, Home Health, Camp, Travel, L&D.

We're doing pretty well most of the time, but hey, we can always be outnumbered when there's a call in, right? We are hiring. According to the PTB, we'll be in compliance w/ new guidelines fully by Fall.

I was so glad to see the new guidelines, because I feel it really brings into focus how *not low risk* our "normal" patients have become, through our own intervention.

Edit to add:

For those following/struggling with guidelines--do you guys have a mandatory call schedule to fall back on for call ins, or to you have to hope for the best?

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Excuse me, but, just what is AWHONN??

Specializes in Psychiatry.
Excuse me, but, just what is AWHONN??

Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses

Specializes in Obstetrics/Case Management/MIS/Quality.

having been out of ob for a couple of years, what do the new guidelines specify for staffing?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

We try as much as possible. Since we're a low-risk floor, we don't get mag patients, or high-risk OB, which makes it easier.

How do the new guidelines differ?

Specializes in labor and delivery,peds, med sure, ASU a.

Wishful thinking for our unit:uhoh3: At times we have one earlylabor and one active and one on MAG. We just recently unionized but I guess thats going to take a while to go through.

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