IRSC Spring 2017 Applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone,

I plan on applying to IRSC's Nursing program for Spring 2017, and thought I would create this thread for us to talk about the application process! I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to study for the NLN? I keep seeing that they're updating the exam on IRSC's website, so I'm not sure if I should use the current study materials? Also has anyone had troubles figuring out transfer credits? I will have a BS from FSU and the courses that I've taken for A&P and Microbio have different course codes than the ones IRSC offers.

Good luck to everyone who plans on applying! Hopefully this thread can be as helpful as the last few semesters' threads have been.

Thank you!! Ok so if I don't get in this time the next go around I NEED a 3.0 to apply it looks like. Am I reading that correct??

Yes you are correct! When it comes to applying for spring of 2017 you need just a 2.5 to apply. But if you don't get in after spring of 2017 you need a 3.0 to apply for fall of 2017 and spring of 2018!

I can't seem to find where it says anything about Spring 2017? I only see clarification for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. Was the minimum initially a 2.5?

Yes you only need a 2.5 to apply this semester for the nursing program! But any application after spring of 2017 you need a 3.0!

I'm SO nervous about this go around!! If I don't get in I can't retry next time cause I have a 2.79 gpa so I'll need to spend next year taking more classes to up my gpa. The plus side is at least it's all classes that I need for the program & after. Anyone else??

Yeah my schedule is pretty busy too with work but I am sure we can work something out :up: I am going to try to attend the July 12 review session, depending on if my work schedule changes, I am also going to for sure go to the July 21st nursing information session. but on July 12 I believe they are reviewing chemistry so on July 12 or July 21st maybe we can meet up and figure out what days work best to study together because I for sure I am having trouble reviewing for the math and science portion of the NLN!

Hey I'm going to message you to see if you want to set up study sessions? :)

Hey I'm going to message you to see if you want to set up study sessions? :)

For some reason I guess I can't send private messages back since I haven't posted enough on a topic lol or at least that's what the website is telling me! But Omg yes I would love to start a study group :) my work schedule can be a little annoying but whenever you want to start is fine with me I'm available this Thursday July 21 this day I want to try to go to the nursing information session but that isn't until like 4pm or Friday July 22 if you want to start the study group as early as this week! But I live in Stuart so I will gladly come to you and meet you wherever! I'm very nervous about getting in and taking the NLN as well since this is the first time I have ever taken the test :)

I'm SO nervous about this go around!! If I don't get in I can't retry next time cause I have a 2.79 gpa so I'll need to spend next year taking more classes to up my gpa. The plus side is at least it's all classes that I need for the program & after. Anyone else??

Don't be nervous you will get in :) my boyfriend always tells me positive thinking equals a positive outcome :) I know that's hard to do since I'm like a negative nancy at times lol but we should act like we are all going to get in! I only have like four more classes( college algebra, anatomy 2, and statistics is all I have left to take ) So I'm going to take those last remaining classes this fall and then that way in the spring time I will only have to worry about taking the nursing classes!

I'm slightly nervous for the NLN too. I bought that red book that everyone mentions, so I am going to be studying that after I'm done studying for my CNA exam that should be coming up soon. I can't make it to the review sessions since I'm out of town, but does anyone know what changed on the "updated exam"? Online, IRSC says they will not be taking NLN scores prior to May 2016, so I assume there must be some type of difference, but I can't find anything.

I'm slightly nervous for the NLN too. I bought that red book that everyone mentions, so I am going to be studying that after I'm done studying for my CNA exam that should be coming up soon. I can't make it to the review sessions since I'm out of town, but does anyone know what changed on the "updated exam"? Online, IRSC says they will not be taking NLN scores prior to May 2016, so I assume there must be some type of difference, but I can't find anything.

The review sessions to me arnt that helpful since it's just a review of everything from the red book in like a PowerPoint format like a lady from the ASC lab comes and just says everthring that you can learn in the red booklet the only thing that is nice is they give you packets with like practice problems but you can get them in the ASC center in the library without having to go to the review session. I just learn better with flash cards and one on one tutoring but that's just me! And about the NLN all that means is they will no longer accept NLN scores past that certain date and I think they just changed the format of the test and there is no longer sample questions that used to not count towards our score now every question counts towards our score! I'm going to go to the nursing information on July 21st so I'm going to ask more questions about the NLN these links should help you out :)

The review sessions to me arnt that helpful since it's just a review of everything from the red book in like a PowerPoint format like a lady from the ASC lab comes and just says everthring that you can learn in the red booklet the only thing that is nice is they give you packets with like practice problems but you can get them in the ASC center in the library without having to go to the review session. I just learn better with flash cards and one on one tutoring but that's just me! And about the NLN all that means is they will no longer accept NLN scores past that certain date and I think they just changed the format of the test and there is no longer sample questions that used to not count towards our score now every question counts towards our score! I'm going to go to the nursing information on July 21st so I'm going to ask more questions about the NLN these links should help you out :)

I'll be at the info session on the 21st as well! Thanks for those links! So that means the test is shorter now too without those questions, which is nice

I'll be at the info session on the 21st as well! Thanks for those links! So that means the test is shorter now too without those questions, which is nice

Yeah it is nice for the test to be shorter since it is already two to three hours long with no breaks or anything! And we should meet up at the information session!

Does anyone know why on the IRSC NLN exam webpage it says the Deadline for the Program is Sept 1st but the dates to take the NLN are 9/6-9/15? I'm confused by that part? I see that they are not "opening up" the application or registering for the NLN test till Aug 1st but the dates for testing confuse me? Thanks!

Yeah it is nice for the test to be shorter since it is already two to three hours long with no breaks or anything! And we should meet up at the information session!

Sounds good to me!

And Jessika, they updated their main website to say that only people who apply to the program and I assume pay the application fee by the Sept 1 deadline, will be able to register for the NLN at IRSC.

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