IRSC Spring 2017 Applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone,

I plan on applying to IRSC's Nursing program for Spring 2017, and thought I would create this thread for us to talk about the application process! I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to study for the NLN? I keep seeing that they're updating the exam on IRSC's website, so I'm not sure if I should use the current study materials? Also has anyone had troubles figuring out transfer credits? I will have a BS from FSU and the courses that I've taken for A&P and Microbio have different course codes than the ones IRSC offers.

Good luck to everyone who plans on applying! Hopefully this thread can be as helpful as the last few semesters' threads have been.

Question guys, what are the pros and cons of being an LPN? I've heard mixed things like most Hospitals are not hiring LPNs any longer.

you can work in a retirement facility

Yes I plan to test out

*Health science application has been updated.

Finally! Thanks for sharing! :)

What do you mean it has been updated?

What do you mean it has been updated?

i think they mean the points from the nln getting added to the health app on the register and pay tab on irsc website but mine has not updated yet.

Oh gotcha. Thank you! Mine hasn't either but I just took my test Friday.

Yea I took mines the 13th. So anyone who took it before that date should see all there points added in. They're on top of things. I think we're not too far from getting our emails.

Total points of Nln? Including class scores? Do they count GPA?

Total points of Nln? Including class scores? Do they count GPA?

You don't get points for gpa but they'll look to see if you have the minimum which I believe is 2.0 currently?

The minimum gpa is a 2.5

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