IRSC Fall 2014 Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone! I know this is super early to be talking about the fall semester but I just got my denial letter for the Spring 2014 semester so I wanted to make this group for anyone that's applying or didn't make it in like me. I got a 109 score on my NLN exam which makes my total points for program 130. I took A&P I & Micro which accounts for my points. I would like to retake the NLN in 6 months & hopefully I can do much better. I'm currently enrolled in A&P II & plan on just studying my butt off for the nln in the process. Classes I have left before I'm done with all my "pre-requisites" are A&P II (which I'm currently in), Chemistry, and Nutrition. (which I plan on taking those in spring/summer). Maybe we can get a study group together eventually if anyone is interested! Best of luck to everyone! :)

I am also an alternate... I turned all of my paperwork in last Wednesday. I have not heard anything either. However, I am sure they will contacting the alternates soon.


What is your score?

Keep in touch if you get contacted!


My score is 145. I will keep in contact! How many alternates are there?

I'm not sure...wish I knew

But I know at least 15 people didn't show up to the orientation so that's at least 15 alternate spots

Hey. Does the P.E.R.T exam need to be complete? Or is this the same as the TABE?

I think the pert exam is a college placement exam you take while still in highschool. Dont take my word for it though

That's what I thought. I think I took this 3 years ago when I got out of high school. Well I'll just wait to see. Thanks

No one mentioned anything about it so far so i think we're good lol

As far as I know you have to take the pert every so often if you have not been taking college classes. It is just an assessment of your writing, reading and math level. If you have already taken enc1101 and the first math college level class you probably won't need the pert. It wasn't all that difficult compared to the nln test. The advisors should be able to let you know if you need to take it again.

I've been an active student. Completing all the prerequisites for nursing and the prerequisites for the BSN in nursing. I believe I'm covered if it's a college placement exam. Sweet deal thanks.

Quick question about the calculation homework. Chapter 17 question 43 any chance the answer key is wrong?

Who took the TABE? I didn't, at least not yet.

# 43 in ch. 17 is definitely wrong!

And Mackenzie, what are the differences between the ADN pre reqs and the BSN pre reqs?

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