Published Mar 30, 2015
519 Posts
Has this ever happened to you guys?
I have been a nurse for 4 years, and I have done all nights in all 3 positions I have held. Over the whole 4 years, I never liked working nights. I just stuck with it, because I was afraid of changing to days. lol.
I am now in the NICU, and I finally accepted a day shift (7A-7P) position. I will start on May 31st. I have been in the nicu for 6 months yet. Anyway, when I started my positions, I always wanted to switch to day shift as the positions came open. I tried for it for the first several months, and it wasn't my turn then. But times came when I could easily switch to days, but I had already become too intimidated by it. Even though I like day shift, and I see what it is all about during orientation (perfectly doable), after working nights for a while, I feel like I may not be able to handle it. Now that I got a days position, I am thinking about diagnostic studies, post-op patients, discharges, new TPN/Lipid IV bags, sterile cap changes type of day shift tasks that are at my work. I am anxious about it. I am just intimidated, afraid of not being able to handle it all. Is it normal to feel like this after doing night shift for so long? I just needed to vent and see if anyone else feels like this.
38,333 Posts
Similar changes would seem intimidating for basically the same reasoning for other situations too. Natural reaction. Just be willing to be out of your element until you get familiar with the new routine.
vanilla bean
861 Posts
How is this different than changing between positions on night shift? I mean, with each new position there was a learning curve, right? Your profile indicates tele, OB, and NICU experience, so you already know what it is like to change to new positions that require you to learn new skills and change your practice. I don't see how changing from night to day shift is any different. If anything, it should be a smoother transition. You got this.
Ahh, those discharges intimidate me more than anything actually. Making sure everything is complete, all discharge teaching is done, and once the patient leaves and something was left out, too late. I will hopefully get the hang of it after a week or so...
556 Posts
Discharges are a cake walk compared to admits. You'll be fine and learn some new skills too.
Lennonninja, MSN, APRN, NP
1,004 Posts
I had all these same freak out feelings when I switched from nights to days in January after always working nights. It was rough for the first month but I'm adjusting better now. Good luck!
firstinfamily, RN
790 Posts
I think every nurse goes through this when changing shifts. The focus on each shift is different, having the MDs available on day shift also makes it an opportune time to learn more. The flow of patients is different on day shift, and I found little time to really get to know my patients, I prefer night shift even though it messes with my sleep. You will get the flow of the day shift after being exposed to it and getting your groove. Good Luck!!