Published Jul 3, 2005
10 Posts
how much is family insurance costing you?
255 Posts
Too much, for myself and my 2 year old it's 100 per pay period.
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
I'd be interested in knowing what discounts hospital employees receive on their medical care at their facilities as well. (75% here off uncovered charges.)
Our health insurance (not through the hospital) is approx $10/pay for both of us (including dental) - deductible is a little high at just under 1000, but wellness stuff isn't subject to the deductible, and barring a major crisis, in which case the thousand would be not problematic, we don't really use our insurance other than for wellness stuff.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
My insurance premium for hubby and myself is $84/pay period. If I had kids who were eligible, I would pay approx $92/pay period. Since none of us have been hospitalized (and we have a secondary insurance too), am unsure what discount applies.
25 Posts
You are all so lucky. Are you sitting down for this one? I pay 280 a pay period for health/dental insurance. I am paid every 2 weeks. " I remember working last week? Where's my pay check?" lol I have a 250 copay for inpatient stays per day. Copay for doc visit 15, specialist 25. Not too happy here in Florida looking to move. Pay here is only 20 bucks an hour. I have 15 years experience as an RN.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Judee Smudee, ADN, RN
241 Posts
You are all so lucky. Are you sitting down for this one? I pay 280 a pay period for health/dental insurance. I am paid every 2 weeks. " I remember working last week? Where's my pay check?" lol I have a 250 copay for inpatient stays per day. Copay for doc visit 15, specialist 25. Not too happy here in Florida looking to move. Pay here is only 20 bucks an hour. I have 15 years experience as an RN. Thanks for letting me vent.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
We are insured thru my husband's employer (in the business world). We pay roughly $250/mo for family insurance coverage for ourselves and 2 children. We have a $3000 deductible to meet before coverage kicks in, and our Rx benefits are included in that deductible, so we get no break on prescription costs until we meet our deductible. Once coverge kicks in, it is 80%.
Are you really saying that you used your facility for health care and they deducted it from you pay check? Or are you just saying that by the time you got done paying for things you had nothing left. If they are deducting it that is a new wrinkle in the old cats tail for me, I never heard of such a thing.
Not at all, those are my insurance premiums that are taken out of my bi-weekly pay. The 250 dollar daily deductable is the deductable on my insurance for in patient stays. I had an inpatient stay 2 months ago for surgery. The surgery was not done at the hospital I worked at. I value my privacy too much for that.