Initial Drug Test

Nurses General Nursing



I have a question, I'm finishing up nursing school and I was drug testing for a possible position but I failed for THC, I had not smoked for 6 months and didn't think I would come out positive but unfortunately I did, it was for 30nanograms and the test limit is 15, not like it matters, but my question is, is this drug test going to get back to my school and the Board of Registered Nursing? I'm in California, what are my options? Is this going to mark the rest of my career?

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
False positive causes:

Ibuprofen; (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Excedrin IB etc)

Naproxen (Aleve)

Ketoprofen (Orudis KT)

Promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan)

Pantoprazole (Protonix)

Riboflavin (B2, Hempseed Oil)

Kidney infection (Kidney disease, diabetes) Liver Disease

Dronabinol (Marinol)

That's why it's recommended you bring all of your med bottles with you when you test.I still don't understand how one can vape enough marijuana to test positive but NOT realize it.Even when mixed with oils you can still smell and taste it.Also a casual user is not likely to test hot,am wondering if more frequent consumption is being concealed from us.I have no sympathy......Just DON'T.And if you can't then you clearly have an issue you need to deal with.

we can only go on what we are told, the OP knows if they are lying or not. allegedly he/she tested neg at the same place right after receiving the positive. therefore, if it were me, i would be doing a hair test, ASAP. if the OP is being truthful, and again, we have nothing else to go on, the only reason they have for not stating that it could not be positive is an admitted exposure of ~ six months ago. which makes little to no sense.

OP- thank you for this thread.

If you had done a bit of searching on this site, you wouldn't be surprised at the lack of sympathy expressed for your situation.

I know, all you did was ask about professional consequences, but this is a forum, and questions generate discussion, not just concrete answers.

And, once you have been a nurse for a while, please re-read this thread. In particular, pay attention to the part where you tell hundreds of nurses that you accidentally vaped.

To sum things up:

  • Most people here do not care that you smoke weed. Of all the things you may be judged for by other nurses, what you do on your own time is pretty low on the list.
  • Regardless of right or wrong, marijuana use can cause problems for nurses. You made choices.
  • Putting yourself in a position to fail a drug test is dumb, and shows poor judgement. Posting about it publicly is going to elicit a response.

Good luck.

she/he was not looking for sympathy. so what is your point? besides being a ------- fill in the blank with what ever.

That's why it's recommended you bring all of your med bottles with you when you test.I still don't understand how one can vape enough marijuana to test positive but NOT realize it.Even when mixed with oils you can still smell and taste it.Also a casual user is not likely to test hot,am wondering if more frequent consumption is being concealed from us.I have no sympathy......Just DON'T.And if you can't then you clearly have an issue you need to deal with.

how do you vape that much? that is MY point.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

No judgement here. More confusion. There chances of you testing positive after that long is extremely minimal. You're more likely to have a false positive due to a medication you used. That or it was a bad test, but while its possible, I doubt it. There's a lot more to this story I feel. I mean, I don't care if you smoke pot, but you're school and prospective employers might. Regardless of what you're NOT telling us, I urge you to stay as far away from that as possible if you're future career means anything to you. And if you are telling us the whole truth, sounds like you're friends aren't the greatest and it might be time to distance yourself from that kind of stuff. Either way... you need to change some things if you wanna be successful as a nurse.

Specializes in ICU.

Because, nobody takes responsibility for their actions. Ever. It's the device they vaped with? Come on, you vaped 6 mos ago and it's showing up now? Not buying.

I like it way better when there is honesty. At least then I can say, it was dumb, move on.

And yes, it is way better to contact the source than get on an Internet website for answers. So yeah, you got a better answer from the employer. Funny how that works.

That's why it's recommended you bring all of your med bottles with you when you test.I still don't understand how one can vape enough marijuana to test positive but NOT realize it.Even when mixed with oils you can still smell and taste it.Also a casual user is not likely to test hot,am wondering if more frequent consumption is being concealed from us.I have no sympathy......Just DON'T.And if you can't then you clearly have an issue you need to deal with.

EXCUSE me? I have never smoked Marijuana or done illegal drugs in my entire life. I have never smoked a cigarette nor do i drink. But I certainly don't look down on those who do. Their "issue" is a psychological/medical one that needs better understanding (NOT UNDERSTANDING) by healthcare professionals.

I feel no sympathy for OP as he made a choice, but I also do not condemn him. That's not my job. Thats his employer's job. His school's job. The BON's job. NOT mine. Even if i do HIGHLY suspect myself that quite more usage was occurring than what was stated. But its not for me to state it is so. I have my suspicions, but they can mean squat just as yours did about me.

P.S. I have never had a place test me and ask me to bring bottles of what I took. I have only been asked to write my current meds. Many on the list could be ones no longer being taken or not even thought of to include on the list.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

Was speaking to the general "you" ,not you in particular.Many resources on the web I have read and my workplace as well recommends you bring current scripts and your OTC's with you to the test site.I was not "condemning" the OP,just think anyone lacking that little bit of self control needed to get through their program is an idiot.My opinion to which I am entitled.

Where did I accuse you of anything? I think you misread something

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

To be clear- My advice to anyone in a position where they will be drug tested..... Just DON'T.And if you can't then you clearly have an issue you need to deal with.

Ok so i have a question does anyone know if the hospital test blood for drugs, i know they do blood draws just need to know if its for titers only or drugs as well, before everyone gets all judgy yes i was smoking pot, yes i know its not legal and yes its only weed, i have synthetic urine for the ua just need to know about blood ive only been clean for 7 days when i get tested AGAIN I HAVE THE UA under control worried about blood

Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.
Ok so i have a question does anyone know if the hospital test blood for drugs, i know they do blood draws just need to know if its for titers only or drugs as well, before everyone gets all judgy yes i was smoking pot, yes i know its not legal and yes its only weed, i have synthetic urine for the ua just need to know about blood ive only been clean for 7 days when i get tested AGAIN I HAVE THE UA under control worried about blood

Seriously? You have synthetic urine? I hope they test your blood.

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