Information Literacy


I am about to register for this class. However I do remember someone talking about a class that excelsior is accepting that is cheaper. Does anyone know what class that is? And if not does anyone know if there is a book that has to be bought for this class?

That's great nursemami!! You are one smart mami!! LOL! I thought it was an 8 week course though??

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

They give you 8 weeks to complete it but it can be done in a matter of hours. Took me 9 hours because there was a cookout and a football game and a LOT of snoring going on......too many distractions!!!!

Specializes in internal medicine, telemetry, medsurg.
That's great nursemami!! You are one smart mami!! LOL! I thought it was an 8 week course though??

It is an 8 week course, however you can finish before then and receive a grade of pass on the transcript before the 8 weeks is over. You do though have to register before the course opens since it will not allow you to register whenever you want. Best of luck!!

Specializes in Operating room.

So I finally registered for this class. And there are no books required, the quizzes take 3 minutes to complete. Now it is just for the final exam.

Wish me luck

Specializes in Operating room.

whoooo hoooo i got a 94 on the final exam

Specializes in Operating room.

How long does it take to get your grade from that class? I was in the term that started on Monday, May 6th, 2013. I finished the class yestereday. And I no longer have access to the online class? I was just hoping they would post the grade ASAP so I can put in for my reimbursement.

Specializes in Operating room.

So I got the Grade last night

Nursemami4, are you sure you can access modules during exam? The advisor told me to print out the pages as I will not be able to access the modules. How did you go about this?


Specializes in internal medicine, telemetry, medsurg.
Nursemami4, are you sure you can access modules during exam? The advisor told me to print out the pages as I will not be able to access the modules. How did you go about this?


Yes I was able to go back and open in a another tab all modules. I did not know we could do that until I opened the final and saw it said you have access to all material during exam.

Oh crap , I took the final today and got 62. Am I the only one failed this class, I thought went through my material really well. Any one experienced this ?

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