Info about Parkland

U.S.A. Texas


Since I've read much about Group One in Dallas and I am thinking about moving there, I was wondering if Parkland was affiliated with this group. Anybody give me some info? Thanks!

Yes, Parland Hospital is apart of the 'Group One' Client List. Please keep in mind that this is a partial list, there are other entities associated with Group One that are not on their current client list.

Here is the link, hope it helps and good luck!

Since I've read much about Group One in Dallas and I am thinking about moving there, I was wondering if Parkland was affiliated with this group. Anybody give me some info? Thanks!

Thanks, that'll help me to judge where I want to go when I relocate.


Specializes in MED/SURG, L&D.

RE: Info about Parkland

If you have a Group One forget about working anywhere in the entire Dallas/Fort Worth area. It doesn't take much to get placed on Group One and if you can't find another job before your name is placed on the list you will be Black Listed forever.

Good Luck

Specializes in Intensive Care and Cardiology.

What is Group One?

What is Group One?

There are lots of threads here about it.

Do a search (you can do a search on my username as a start).

Even though I had a rough time with GP1, I still like Parkland.

Good Luck

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