Published Aug 1, 2013
1 Post
Im new in school nursing and hope someone could steer me in the right direction to certify for vision/hearing testing in schools
thank you
7,736 Posts
Just a suggestion --- like we have our State Boards of Nursing for licensing, I believe they have State Boards for Audiology and probably something for vision. Practitioners in those fields are licensed also. So that may be a way to go. There also may be some State Commissions or Departments for Vision and/or Hearing Impaired in your state.
Maybe track them down and make a phone call for some further information.
Hope this helps to start.
4,161 Posts
Audiologists have BS in speech language pathology and a masters in Audiology
983 Posts
I don't think that's what she is talking about. I have seen several school nurse job postings that ask for a vision and hearing certification. They aren't looking for an audiologist. They are looking for a nursing certification of some kind.
290 Posts
Here you go diana13o8,
Department of Public Health:
Job DescriptionA person who provides vision screening tests on preschool and school-age children.
StatuteChild Vision and Hearing Test Act, 410 ILCS 205 Vision Screening, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 685
Type of Regulation: Certification
Age:18 or older
1. High school diploma or equivalent; and,
2. Complete a 3 1/2-day vision training course given by the Department of Public Health.
Exam: Visual training course final exam.
Type of exam: Written and Performance (hands on)
Classes start in September and end in March. Exam given with each class.
Exam fee: $150 material fee Per class
Passing Criteria: 80% or higher plus satisfactory practicum performance
License Fee: $30
Renewal Fee: $30
License Period: 3 years
10 Posts
Wow! You are all wrong. I have become vision certified so far and am going for my hearing certification workshop this week. You must be working in a school district that is willing to send you and it costs them $200 for each certification in Illinois. You are sent materials to study on your own(several dvds + notebook of information + study guides to complete) and then attend a 3 day workshop in Hillside, Il. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. You must bring your own equipment that you use at the school and check in with it. It is checked over to make sure it is in working order. Day 1 is lecture. Day 2 is lecture and a test. If you don't pass the test, you must leave and no certification. Day 3 is a clinical day for vision practice at a grade school in the area. You are watched and can still fail if you are unable to perform effectively.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
This post was from about two years ago...things may have changed.
Does anyone have the study guides or any information to begin to study in advance? they wont send out until a month before test. Any help would be appreciated!