Increase costs and testing for Florida IPN

Nurses Recovery


I have a 16months left of a 5 year contract with IPN. When I started drug tests were $42 2 x a month. Since 7/2015 they increased the price to $56 a screen averaging 2 x a month. Since I have special tests thrown in due to history of testing positive for etg with no known exposure or use(long story) they do Peth blood test on top of my regular screens $148, it used to be $178.

Recently this month I was tested 3/8 reg urine drug test, 3/23 new M-panel(never had that, but almost everyone in my support group had one this past month for $52

Still waiting for M-panel results and got selected yesterday 3/28 with Peth $148

That is $242 this month, UGGH.

I haven't used and have been sober since 2006. Just frustrated that they keep increasing costs and using experimental testing. I don't mind doing any test that is regulated and accurate just not experimental.

Just wanted to vent. I have done everything asked in these programs, I just don't want to be sent to any more additional rehabs for false positives.

It's all a money maker and wish it was more based on recovery!

Specializes in OR.

Ha! Money maker indeed. I have never known exactly what they are testing for to begin with. I don't really care because drugs/alcohol were never my issue to start with (mental health and the result of a psychiatrist dickering with my meds) but nonetheless, I'm here. I have long thought that everyone gets the same contract regardless. To do any different would require some care and attention to participants needs and we can't have that now, can we? I (like most of us) am on a bit of a limited budget. This thing about the cost of these asinine tests is BS. Mine has long been the $42, then the $55. Had the $52 the other week and today they want me to puke up $80 for two different panels? Whut?? I hope it isn't a hair test because Lapcorp charges their own additional fee for that and my hair happens to be very short and dyed blue and green. I wonder if this is possibly a precursor to an early termination for having shown "substantial compliance" but I doubt it. Not even gonna get my hopes up. I've never missed a support group meeting, of which is a total joke in itself) never missed a pee test of a report submission, never even had a dilute. Another 3 1/2 years of this is frankly about nothing but punishment and sucking money from me.

I have never considered myself "in recovery" because I can't be recovering for a problem I never had to start with. That makes the things like meeting attendance totally absurd in my case. I have feeling that in spite of me submitting all my reports on time, as ordered, they only seem to "review" the meeting log and the group moderator's report. Everything else just shows "submitted." This makes me think, that IPN doesn't care one iota, that my psych doc, my therapist and my employer all think this is ridiculous. They've all put this opinion on my quarterly reports and I add to my self-report that I would like to discuss the meeting requirement be dropped. I get no response but the chirping of crickets. My employer has even offered to write a letter to that effect. I wonder if I submit individual letters from all the people that I see (psych doc, therapist, employer etc), they might actually read them?

For the sake of the participants who do have addiction/alcohol issues, I do wish this was more about recovery than money generating. For those of us who don't even belong here, I am an example of the damage that these programs can do.

I just don't understand why they make it impossible to get back to work?

Specializes in OR.

see above points on this being nothing but a money making operation and the fact that contrary to the stated mission of this outfit, they could care less if you ever work as a nurse again. As long as you keeping funneling money to them, these programs "allow" you to not only be unemployed but to humiliate yourself in every job interview you might get. Just peachy, huh?

It sounds like every one in IPN is getting this $52 m-panel and then the $82 2 o-panel test.

Its getting very expensive lately. I thought it was just me too. Almost every one in my group is getting these different panels.



Specializes in OR.

To anyone that got stung with the 2-panal $80 extortion last week. Are you still seeing "partial result"? It's been 5 days and mine is still showing that. I certainly don't have anything to hide but there is something about the routine of second/third hand information, total lack of communication and the disturbing notion that we don't have any idea what they are testing for, especially when these random panels (with the random price tags) are thrown in the mix, that is apt to make a person rather paranoid.

I know of 3 people. 9 to 10 days for results. I got selected today. 5th test in 4 week period. Most since being in program.

Look at my other post "new test for IPN" another member posted it took 10 days

I am in a very similar situation. How long did it take for your double panel test to come back? It has been 14 days and mine isn't back yet even though I know it is clean I still stress.

catsmeow, did you get your results yet? I am still wating and it has been 14 days. Talk about paranoia lol.

It's been pretty well documented on this thread and in my NSG that the M panel takes about 15 days. Don't lose any peace of mind or sleep

(or gain any weight or zits) over it.

Specializes in OR.

I got mine after 15 days and a terse phone call to IPN. In my opinion this is A: another reason to suck more money from us. B: another way to stomp on what's left of our dignity or C: another example of the guilty until proven innocent that this crap is all about, or any/all of the above.

3 years and 3 months to go.....can't come too soon.....

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