I'm SUPER NERVOUS & need HELP with the NCLEX-PN!

Nursing Students NCLEX


ok so i take my nclex-pn next wednesday and i feel like if i dont know a thing. i feel nervous, tired, scared, etc. I just need to know if anyone has taken the nclex already and see what did you guys study and what did you guys do to relax before the nclex. please help!!!!!! I have used my cd to do questions, i have used saunders, exam cram, my ATI books, i have done virtual-ATI, practice tests from my school, spoken to the Director billions of times, I am very anxious at this point and crying!!! please anyone let me know how you guys did. Anything will help!!:cry:

I PASSSSEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! :o) :clpty::clpty::clpty:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
I PASSSSEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! :o) :clpty::clpty::clpty:

Congratulations :yeah:

Specializes in Med Surg.

I took my test about 10 days after graduation. The ATI comprehensive test told me I had a 99% probability of passing the NCLEX on the first try. I did some studying using Saunders materials and took some of the ATI exams. About the only good I felt like they did for me was to keep my brain working along the same lines as the test questions. I decided to rely on my training and knowledge from school rather than some crash course that costs a few hundred dollars. Other than that my strategy consisted of making sure I got a good night's sleep and arrived for the test rested and relaxed.

When I took the test I ran into drugs I had never heard of and and illnesses I had never studied. I had a very high number of pharm questions along with education and infection control. I had only one calculation (one of my major strengths, I never missed one in school) and only a couple of patient care questions. They say you start with easy questions and as long as you get them right the questions get harder. Well, I must have been getting a lot of them right because I would have really appreciated a few easy ones.

When my test shut down after 85 questions I was relieved. I figured that if I was passing the thing then great, let me out of here. If I was flunking, a hundred more questions wouldn't help so let me out of here. I was shaking all the way outside and was a nervous wreck all the way home and for the next 48 hours. What was bad was that I really had no feeling one way or the other about how I did on it. I think that was worse than thinking I flunked.

Bottom line: I PASSED THE SUCKER! I have my license and am working as an LVN.

My advice is to relax and not tie yourself up in knots. Don't start thinking about how bad you believe you are doing. Use your knowledge and common sense. If the questions keep geting harder you must be doing something right. Don't dwell on questions you have already answered because once you hit the "Next" button you can't go back. IMO, study programs have a limited value because there is no way to predict what each individual will see on his/her exam, but if you feel more comfortable using one, by all means do it. Go ahead and use the "trick" when you get home. I'm not totally convinced that it's a hundred percent accurate but it can help relieve anxiety.

Have a little faith in yourself, relax, and just take the dang test.

I also got a high number of questions for the NCLEX PN. Around 175 ?'s. I quit counting after a certain point. I am a nervous wreck because most of the other people that I have talked to said that it shut off at 85. What the heck did I do wrong? I would have liked the test to shut off at 85. My anxiety rocketed after about 120 questions. I hope that tomorrow I will find out that I have passed! If I pass this then NO ONE should have the right to feel nervous :) haha.

Don't worry about it..I used up all 5 hours of my test, all 205 questions and I passed. You'll be fine.

I know exactly how you feel I took mine yesterday..and feel nervous and confident at the same time...I answered 95 questions before it shut off and I am pretty sure the last question i answered was a right answer so I hope that was a good...Sign i wish you luck...

good luck guys...

My instructors promote three things for boards...1.Sleep well, eat something , go pee and relax. 2. Over 80% of 1st attempts pass. 3. If the questions get really hard, then you are doing good. Due in 6 weeks to taKe NCLEX-PN, thank you guys for talking it up. The huge majority of you all pass, so that's encouraging to me.

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